Year 2 Hardwick Park

Year 2 had a wonderful visit to Hardwick Park on Friday. Our theme for the trip was, Summer in Bloom and Roald Dahl.

Summer in Bloom.

Melissa, our guide took us into the wood and gave us various tasks to complete. We had to find a range of plants and match them to the description on the chart. We then had to pretend to be bees and pollinate flowers which was really good fun. At the end of the morning, we made seed bombs using wildflower seeds. We were able take these home to plant in our own garden.

Roald Dahl – Fantastic Mr Fox and George’s Marvellous Medicine

After lunch we went back into the wood and Melissa read an extract from Fantastic Mr Fox. We were given questions about foxes and had to find the answers in the trees. We loved running in and out of the trees to find the answers. When we had found the answers, Melissa read an extract from George’s marvellous medicine.  Each group was given a list of things we could find in the wood to make our own marvellous medicine. It was very messy!

What a fantastic day!


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