Y6 Sukkah shelters

In our Judaism topic this week we were learning about the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. During Sukkot, Jewish people remember when God freed them from slavery in Egypt.

After they left Egypt, the Jewish people wandered in the desert for forty years, trying to find a place to settle. Along the way, they built temporary homes out of dry palms and branches to live in.

Straight after Yom Kippur (5 days before Sukkot), Jewish people start to build a sukkah.

A sukkah must have at least three walls and the roof shouldn’t completely protect from the environment as Jewish people trust in God to protect them while staying in the sukkah.

Jewish people spend as much time as possible in a sukkah for the whole week of Sukkot. They eat all their meals in the sukkah and say a prayer to thank God for Sukkot.

Today year 6 enjoyed the challenge of making their own functional Sukkahs.

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