World Mental Health Day

On 10th October, children at St. Cuthbert’s took part in lots of activities to raise awareness of mental health and discovered ways to promote their own and other’s positive mental health.

Children dressed in something green to echo the colour of the World Mental Health Day took part in a whole school assembly that promoted being a “Bucket Filler” and showing kindness to people and highlighted the importance of speaking out about mental health.

In classes, children took part in many activities promoting being kind and treating others with respect. They also learnt how important it was to be treated in the same way and when to recognise when they are not. The younger children played a game of Pass the Smiley Face and shared kind thoughts about their classmates when the music stopped. Year 2 designed a Friendship Flower and wrote ways to be kind and show friendship on each petal. Years 3 and 4 practised some mindful breathing and designed some balloons to show what makes them feel happy. Years 5 and 6  took part in a scenario sorting activity that prompted lots of discussion.

A competition took place for all classes and the Mental Health and Well-Being Ambassadors from Year 6 chose a winner from each class. Each winner was presented with a well-being goody bag.

For more information, please click the link below.

World Mental Health Day 2023

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