Wonderful Wednesday

Wednesday is wonderful because it is half way through the school week. We are going today to think of ways of being wonderful. We have to eat properly to keep us fit and healthy. I want you to pretend you are a cook and you need to think of a healthy meal that your family can eat. You can draw a picture of the meal and write out a menu. Remember it needs to keep you healthy.

In your math’s work today you are set lots of challenges eg how many jumps in a minute. It is really important to keep active. I am looking forward to seeing the different challenges you give to yourself and which vegetable is the best one to roll.

To make every day wonderful you need to be kind. Look at the challenge cards and decide if the action is kind or not. You could put a happy or sad face next to each card and then talk about them to your grown- ups. Try to be really kind today to your family and help them to have a Wonderful Wednesday.

Don’t forget to get your message for your friends to me as I’m in school on Thursday and will be collecting them all together.

Be kind and be wonderful xx.

For grown- ups. If your children are asking lots of questions about Covid 19 and why they have to stay at home Nosycrow.com have a book for children that tries to answer all of their questions. I’ve included a picture of the link x.


Wednesday’s  tasks




Watch YouTube for your daily phonics work. Today the sounds are:

Set 1 – h
Set 2 – oo look at the book
Set 3 – oi

Play corners with your sounds. Choose some of the sounds you have been learning. Play some music you can dance to. When the music stops your grown up can say a word with one of the sounds in. You have to see if you can go to the correct corner.

Literacy Today imagine you are the cook in the house and have to think of a healthy meal for your family. You can write out your menu sheet and make a list of things you would need to make the meal.
Maths We use White Rose Maths in school. Go to home learning page Summer Week 1 lesson 3

Today we are thinking about making a race track for your vegetables and seeing which one can roll the best. You also need to think of giving yourself some challenges and then timing yourself

You could use the dice you made to roll to see how many jumps you need to do.

Other areas of learning Think about ways of being kind and how the way you act affects others. Look at the challenge cards. Your grown up might need to read the writing for you. Decide if the action is a kind one or not. Put a smiling face next to the good actions. Once you have done that you can talk about your thoughts to your grown- ups. Think of ways you can be kind to your family members so they can have a wonderful day today. Be kind.



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