Welcome back Reception Class

Welcome back I hope you all had a lovely Easter. When I was in work last week I was working with Mrs Dickinson I helped her to do the new display in the entrance. I wonder how many handprints are in the display ? We hope you like it. I am missing you all so much and I’m looking forward to seeing all of the lovely photographs and videos you send me.
The planning for the next few weeks will look a little different as some parents have asked for ideas for the different areas of learning. I hope you find it useful and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any support.The tasks are on the Monday tasks attachment.
Remember in EYFS we have a very active curriculum and learn so much from play. Please take time to play, explore, be active and have fun. xxx

Mondays tasks – Attachments can be found on tapestry




Daily phonics will help with reading and writing. In school we use RWI so I would encourage you to use the YouTube videos that are on daily as this follows our scheme. All of the children recognised their speed set 1 sounds but if they haven’t looked at their phonics for a while this would be good revision. (see attachment for timings.)

Write a sentence for child to read eg “ A cat can sing.” The children can give a thumbs up if the sentence makes sense or thumbs down if it doesn’t.,

Literacy Watch the story -What the Ladybird Heard (BedTimeStories with Will YouTube)

Retell the story in the correct order to your family.
Make a story map and label some of the animals. You could write a sentence about your favourite part.

Maths We use White Rose Maths in school. Go to home learning page Week 2 lesson 1 (I’ve started here as there are some nice activities that you may not have completed over the holidays.)

You could extend this by going on a bug hunt outside and record your results on a chart using purple mash.(go into mini mash click on the blocks then 2 count and scroll to minibeasts.)

Other areas of learning Knowledge and Understanding Go outside and look for signs of spring. Perhaps you could draw a picture or take some photos.
Can you make a list of what you have seen?

You could use the Scarvenger hunt sheet to help you.



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