Wednesday 6th May

Morning everyone,

I hope that you are all okay and enjoying your VE day activities. We will continue with these again today.

Now that you have completed your invitation to your VE Day tea party it is now time to write a menu for what food you will have on offer at your party. This could also be for a BBQ rather than a tea party.
Remember to use adjectives to describe the food and if you use more than one adjective remember to use a comma! Why not research some war time recipes – is there anything that you think you would like or dislike?

For maths we are continuing with White Rose and today we will be working on Summer Week 3, Lesson 3 – Related Facts. `I have also added a flashback 4 on google classroom.
Remember when it talks about base 10, these are our tens and ones rods we use and draw in maths in class.

Head over to today’s bitesize maths lesson too if you would like more challenges to complete.

I have also added on google classroom two links to design your own VE day medal. There are some instructions on one of the links and a blank medal on another.

I hope that you all have a lovely day. Keep working hard and remember the most important thing is to be happy and just try your best.

Much Love
Mrs Wilkinson xxx

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