Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Year 6!

It is WOW ME WEDNESDAY which means we are halfway through another productive week! Keep it up!

For Maths today I would like you to try the long and short multiplication tasks on the BBC Bitesize website. Remember to check your answers carefully, especially those who are still not too confident with your times tables.
Can you share some calculations for your friends to try?

Luca and Amelia I would like you to practice your 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables and write them out for me. Remember the strategies you have to help you. Can you get someone in your house to test you?

For English today we are looking at bullet points. Something we like to use but do not always write correctly. Watch the videos and complete the tasks on the BBC Bitesize website then write your own bulleted list.

Once you have completed this, please complete 20 minutes of reading plus.

The RE task today is an RE/English task as I would like you to ensure your spelling, punctuation and grammar is accurate. You need to research a Modern day witness. A Modern day witness is someone who is or who has lived our their life as witness to Jesus (following in his footsteps, following out his work on Earth)
E.g St Teresa of Calcutta, St Oscar Romero or one of your choice – make a short PowerPoint/storyboard/ written presentation of their life and say why they are such good witnesses.

Finally before you WOW ME with your own learning I would like you to look at the Rights Respecting page on our school website at the article of the week – article 12. There are some suggested activities, I would like you to choose one to complete. (it appears on the feed on the right-hand side). I will share any work on the Rights Respecting page.

Have a good day Year 6!

#bekind #staysafe #wowme #article12

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