Wednesday 22nd April

Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning Year 1, Thanks again to those of you who have sent me pictures of your work I love seeing what you’ve all been up to. I know that working from home is different to working in school and it can be unsettling, so remember to take some breaks, drink plenty of water and be patient with your adults when they are helping you with your tasks.





For maths today we are going to continue our work on grouping by sharing equally.

Watch the video in the following link and have go at the accompanying worksheet. -Lesson 3





Today’s English work is all about describing words. Now I know you are all fantastic at using adjectives so I expect to see some wonderful descriptive sentences about your very own setting at the top of ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’. Follow the link below and complete activities 1, 2 and 3.





I must say year 1 I have been blown away by the fantastic geography work I have seen from you this week. Your maps of the British Isles are looking fantastic with your counties and capital cities but we aren’t quite finished with them yet. As we are known as the British isles that means we are an island. What does island mean? Write a sentence on the back of your map explaining what an island is.


What are the names of the seas that surround great Britain? (Irish Sea, North Sea, English channel)


Can you plot them on your map?


As always make sure you enjoy some active time. We have been having some lovely weather lately so take advantage of all this sunshine while you can!

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