Wednesday 22nd April

Hello Year 3. Don’t forget to get in touch if you are unsure of anything. If you are finding anything a bit tricky let me know so I can direct you to other work.

Today I would like you to continue with maths and English using BBC Bitesize. I have not set geography as you had quite a bit to do so therefore may need a bit more time to complete it.

Try to spend some time on Spelling Shed. Let me know how you are getting on.



Identifying adjectives.

Sometimes we forget to use adjectives in our writing which means we don’t always make our writing exiting.

Try the activities on todays BBC bitesize (Year3). I would particularly like you to do activity 2 and 3.

For activity 3, you might want to challenge yourself and write your own sentences using the powerful adjectives. You can then screen shot them and put them on Google classroom.


Comparing three-digit numbers.

BBC Bitesize (Year 3). Use the above link.

Choose one of the activities. You don’t need to do both. I have added a dice net for you to print and make if you do not have your own dice.



If you find this work tricky, play the Comparing Two-Digit number game. If you do not have cubes or counters to cover the board, perhaps you can cut up small squares of paper to cover the numbers.



Don’t forget to have plenty of active time. This is really important.

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