Wednesday 22nd April


Good Morning Year 6! Today is WOW ME WEDNESDAY.

Before we start, remember to exercise, Joe Wicks has been great fun! Try to keep that up.

I’d like you to use to bitesize website to revise calculating negative numbers and active and passive voice which I know we really got the hang of before we broke up. Can you remember the key word for passive voice?? Use the link below to access these.

For WOW ME WEDNESDAY today, I would like you learn the foods in the attached powerpoint. Can you work out the English translation of their Spanish name?
There are 11 to find. Once you have completed this, try out the crossword (you can print it out, draw it out or just write out the answers) then I would like you to go around your kitchen and see if you can find any of these items. If you can’t, see what items you do have. Can you find the name of the item in Spanish? Report back however you like, photograph with a label, a video, writing them down – its up to you …WOW ME! #bekind #staysafe #wowme

Here is a link to the bitesize learning page so you can revise numbers and colours and perhaps begin learning some new phrases.

name the food spanish


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