Wednesday 13th May

Wednesday 13th May


Today is numeracy day. If we were at school, we would have a day of fun maths activities, so today I thought you could do similar.

I am going to give you some ideas of what you could at home with your family. Do as many of them as you would like. You might like to design your own maths game and let the class know about it o Google classroom.


Here are some ideas for activities (I have attached some ideas too). Some are easier than others. Remember to download work from Google classroom.


Multiplication Bingo

Make up your own bingo cards with the times table you are currently learning (maybe just 6-8 multiplication facts). One person call out the multiplication, if you or a family member has the answer, cross it out. The first to cross out all their facts wins.


Snakes and ladders

Make your own snakes and ladders board game.


The Yes/No game

Practice 2D and 3D shapes. You need pieces of card or paper with shapes or shape names on each.

Both players put a card on their head.

The first player asks a question that can only be answered with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Eg. ‘Do I have 4 sides?’

They keep asking questions until they get the answer correct. Then it time for the other player to have a go.




Using proofreading skills. This is a really important skill to have as it helps you to improve your work.

The link for BBC Bitesize is

Look at the video and complete the activities. I would like you to complete one activity.



Continuing with the maths day theme, why don’t you do some baking?

What are you going to bake?

Can you weigh the ingredients yourself?


When you do your active time today, can you include anything to do with maths e.g. how many hops, jumps etc.? How many times can you do keepy ups with a ball or another object? How many minutes active time did you do?

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