Tuneful Tuesday

Happy Tuesday. It was lovely to see so many photographs and videos from you already. I hope you found the phonics work on YouTube. It is what we use in school so the children will recognise lots of the phrases they use. Using the speed sounds one will also encourage the correct formation.
We are continuing our work on ladybirds and because we used to sing new songs on a Tuesday I’ve included some music challenges and a listening challenge. Some of the animal sounds are easy but I was really surprised to hear the noise a rabbit made !!!
Have fun xxx

Tuesdays tasks




Watch YouTube for your daily phonics work Today the sounds are:

Set 1 – k
 Set 2 – oy
 Set 3 – ai

Some of your friends have been making up their own phonics games and they said I could share them with you. Write the words in your envelopes onto some paper and blue tack them to a wall. Ask a grown up to say a word and see how quickly you can find it and take it off the wall. Challenge another family member to have a race with you to see who can collect the most.

Similar to this game outside write the words on a wall with chalk or write them on paper. When asked the word shoot them with your water pistol or a drinks bottle that squirts water.

Literacy Draw some of the farm animals or find some animal pictures and write some speech bubbles for them.

Remember to use your clever phonic knowledge and those tricky words that we have been learning. For example the pig might say “ I like to play in the mud”.
You could read them to your family!


Maths We use White Rose Maths in school. Go to home learning page Week 2 lesson 2

Making ladybird biscuits  – an extension of this task is to use the template I have attached to look at ways of making different number bonds from 5 to 10. How many different ways can the children make 10 eg put 2 spots on one side of the ladybird and 8 on the other cut out spots or use buttons, sweets, cereal etc


Other areas of learning Exploring and using media and materials

Play a listening game google animal sounds for kids and have a quiz. Can you guess which animal makes the noise ? Some are easy but they get trickier!

Can you make up your own song about the noises animals make ?– watch on YouTube Julia Donaldson performs The What the Ladybird Heard Song for some ideas.


The song from Out of the ark today is called together and a suggestion is to bounce a ball to each other in time to the music.

On Purple Mash you could have a go at making your own music. Go into Purple Mash enter mini mash, go outside and click on the instruments. This will take you to 2Explore where you can experiment and try and make up your own tunes.



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