Tuesday 5th May

Good morning Year 1 Thank you for all of the fantastic work you have been sending me. I was very impressed with your lovely VE day fact files and maths work yesterday so a big well done to you all.



For our English today I would like you to write a menu for what food you will have on offer at your VE celebration party this Friday. Remember to use adjectives to describe the food! Why not research some war time recipes with your adult – is there anything that you think you would like or dislike?




In maths today, we will be using White Rose Summer Lesson 2 and we will be recapping fact families addition and subtraction facts to 20. Click the link below, watch the video and then answer the questions from the activity sheet.




VE day medal

In the armed forces you are awarded medals when you serve your country. Those soldiers who served in WW2 were all given a medal for their heroism and bravery. I would like you all to have a go of designing your very own VE day medal. Use the information below to help you with your design.



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