Tuesday 31st March

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well and being kind to each other at home. Today, I would like you to do something really special for your grownups. I am helping my mam and dad by doing shopping and making nice things for them to eat as they can’t go anywhere apart from in their garden.

Did you watch Adam Bushnell’s story yesterday on youtube? If not, try to tune in today. He gave us a shout out for our ‘phenomenal’ school.  Use the link below to view it. He will be reading a story every day at 2:30 pm.


His story was about a dragon who invaded and burnt down his home! I would like you to write your own story based on a dragon. I have left instructions on Google Classroom for todays tasks.

Remember to use:

punctuation A . ? ! , ‘ ” ”
description (expanded noun phrases)
direct speech
fronted adverbials
varied vocabulary
to self check your work ( if it’s underlined in red then check the spelling)
to include the title of your story.

I have also included some work on division. You can always use Maths Whizz to give you some inspiration.

Please let me know how you are getting on and keep in touch. Send us lots of photos!

Please give my kind wishes to your grownups. Keep happy and stay safe.

Love Mrs E xxx

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