Tuesday 21st April

Hello everyone,


Today for English, we will continue to use the BBC Bitesize. Today we will be thinking about questions and writing a diary. I would like you to complete activities one and two.  Go to the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zpbbkqt/articles/z7b72sg


We will also be using the BBC for our maths today and we will recap counting on in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. Go to the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znywjhv

I would like you to complete activity one. Within here, there are three different activities. If you confidently mange the first activity, move onto the next two which are a little more challenging.


We will continue with our RE Pentecost topic today.


Lesson 2: Share the story of Jesus going back to his Father in Heaven, leaving his friends with a promise.

Jesus’ friends were delighted that God had given Jesus new life. But they remembered that he had said he was going back to his Father. The thought of that made them sad again and they worried about how they would manage without him. They remembered his promise to send a new helper. We can read Jesus’ message to them in John’s gospel.

“I shall be with you only a little longer.

Don’t worry. I will not leave you all alone.

I will ask my Father and my Father will give you another friend to be with you forever. This friend, the Helper, will help you to remember all the things I have done and everything I have told you.

I am going back to my Father who sent me.

It is better for you if I go away.

If I go I will be able to send someone else to help you – the Holy Spirit of truth.

The Holy Spirit will guide and lead you.

The Holy Spirit will help you to understand all the things I have done and everything that I have said to you. The Holy Spirit will teach you everything that I have learned from my Father. The Holy Spirit will help you to know how you are to live, now and in the future.”


Can you write a postcard, as if you were one of Jesus’ disciples, telling a friend about the message of Jesus’ promise. I have attached the template for a postcard.




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