Tricky Tuesday

Today is tricky Tuesday. I loved seeing the Supertatos you made yesterday and how they saved the vegetables. However, we need to keep those vegetables safe so can you think of ways to help the vegetables avoid getting harmed by those evil peas and make a poster to help the vegetables. The evil peas have also been causing some problems with our maths work. I’ve include some blank cards for you to write your own Maths facts on you might want to try and trick some of your family members! You all used to love using our globes in class so I have set you a map challenge I wonder what country Supertato is visiting. Have fun I hope the tasks aren’t too tricky !!!

Don’t forget if you haven’t written your message to your friends can you try and do it as soon as possible so I can collect all of them together.

Have fun xxx


Tuesday’s tasks




Watch YouTube for your daily phonics work. Today the sounds are:

Set 1 – l
 Set 2 – oo poo at the zoo
 Set 3 – ea

Play dig and plant a word- Hide some HF words from your envelopes into soil or sand. Dig them out and read the word to a grown up.

Literacy Create a poster to warn the other vegetables about the Evil Peas.
Maths We use White Rose Maths in school. Go to home learning page Summer Week 1 lesson 2

The evil peas are trying to trick you. Can you sort the cards into maths facts that are true and those that are false. Remember your double facts from last week. Could you make up some maths cards some with the correct answer and some false ones to test your family?

E.g. 5+5= 6       2+2=4    etc


Other areas of learning Lots of the food we eat comes from around the world. Some of your food can be found in tins and packages. Could you find some food out of your cupboards and ask a grown up to read out where it comes from ? Use your world map to see if you can find the country where the food comes from.



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