Thursday 7th May

Morning everyone. I have loved seeing all of your lovely VE day bunting, posters and flags! You are doing a fabulous job!

Today I would like you to write a recipe/instructions for one of the items from your menu. Remember your time words – first, next, then, after, finally etc and your bossy verbs – mix, pour etc. If you are having a VE Day BBQ, maybe your instructions could be ‘How to light a BBQ’ or “A recipe for a salad.’ I have added a sheet you could write on the google classroom or you could design your own on paper.

For maths we will continue to follow White Rose. We will be recapping adding ones. This is Summer Week 3, Lesson 4. always, head over to BBC bitesize daily lessons for more games linked to today’s maths work.

Why not watch some dancing from the 1940s ? Can you copy any of the dance steps? You could do some of these tomorrow at your VE Day celebration.

As it is a bank holiday tomoroow and a very special day to celebrate VE Day, I won’t be setting any work as such (Friday) as I would like you all to enjoy your celebration with your family.
Can you work with your grown-up to make your delicious party food. Talk through the instructions that you need to follow. Add labels to let everyone know what you have made.

Can you listen to some songs from the time of WW2?

Have some fun and play some party games.

Sending you all lots of love and I hope that you and your families all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Wilkinson xxx

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