Thursday 4th June

Hello year 6!

Today we are moving onto percentages. I know some of you don’t favour them but you were good in class and they are so important to know in real life – especially if you like shopping or finding a bargain!

Watch the videos carefully on BBC Bitesize

If you would like extra practice, use maths whizz or ultimate KS2 revision link on the school website.

For English today we are continuing building up to a story but first we are revising parenthesis

Complete activities 1, 2 and 3 as parenthesis is important in a story.

Following on from yesterday’s science task there is an activity on the school website on the home learning science link about animal habitats. Give it ago and watch the videos on iplayer if possible.

Finally, I had some lovely Rights Respecting tasks completed yesterday. I would like everyone to complete one more. You can choose any of them to do fro the school website.

Remember to e-mail your work or share it on the class stream.  Also as the weather isn’t great remember to do some exercise indoors, supermovers might be a nice change from Jo Wicks.

Have a good day year 6, stay safe!

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