Thursday 29th April

Good Morning Year 6!

Today is think for yourself Thursday.
Before I reveal our task I would like you to complete the following tasks:

For Maths I would like everyone to complete the BODMAS activity on the BBC Bitesize website – remember brackets first!
Who can remember what BODMAS stands for?

English today we are exploring the difference between hyphens and dashes. Watch and listen carefully on the link below:
Once you are feeling confident then try the activities set on which also include some revision of yesterday’s bullet point task.

For today’s RE task today I would like you to reflect on what you have learnt about Pentecost. There is more information about it available on the link below:

Then to finish our topic, I would like you to complete the attached ‘5 finger prayer’ sending prayers to different people around the world. (Remember you don’t need to print the sheet, use it as a guide and use your own hand.)

For the ‘think for yourself’ part of today’s task I would like you to research an ancient civilization (that’s even older than myself, Mrs Prest and Mr Marshall put together 😜). There are many to choose from and you may want to explore one you have not covered in school. I would like to know:
-who they are
– when did they exist from and to
– where in the world they existed
– great leaders of the time
– inventions or discoveries of the time
– any famous battles/invasions
– their lifestyle
– their homes
-typical jobs
-typical diets
-anything weird and wonderful about them.
Can’t wait to read these!

Have a good day Year 6!

#bekind #staysafe #thinkforyourself



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