Thursday 23rd April

Hello to all Year 4 children and parents,
Hope you are all well, doing your best at this time to keep going with a smile.I’ll be setting some work for the next two days so please do your best to do some of it please. Remember you can write on the Google Docs sheets and Ive prepared two below. This same message is also on Google Classroom.

So if you think back to the Holy Week ( Easter story) work you were doing at the beginning of the month. Did you finish this story book? Did you research or read the story and write about the Resurrection? Do you know what this word means? Anyway today I’m going to start you on your next RE topic which actually continues the story of Easter!

Included below is an information sheet for parents/ adult to read. Week 1 is today’s lesson. After you have talked to your adult then try the task below.

Week 1: Complete the chart with three columns. In the first column write down what might make a person feel miserable and in the second what, why or who made them feel alive again. In the third column write how this would affect their behaviour. (see attached template)

BBC Bitesize lessons
I hope you have been able to follow the lessons on BBC Bitesize Daily. Remember you can get these on bbc i player at any time or your red button. There’s an hour a day for age 7 -9 and also more lessons suggested just like Mrs E has directed you to earlier this week. Even though all the content in the hour is not related to specific lessons that might be set it’s all good revision / consolidation and a source of learning.

I’d like you to watch the BBC Bitesize Daily programme on i player or your red button today. It’s main focus should be Maths and music.

Do some negative numbers work. We did some of this when we were measuring temperatures in science a few weeks ago so this will be good revision. There’s three activities to try.


Explore melody and pitch with Bob Marley Watch the short film from YolanDa Brown and her band.
The band demonstrate how high and low music can be played. Learn more about differences in pitch.
with the interactive game to explore high and low pitch.
Then there’s three practise activities you can try if you want!

Try the adverbs and adverbial phrases work. After you’ve watched the two learning videos there are three activities you can try and the good news is that Activities 1 and 3 don’t need you to print out anything! I’d love read what you’ve written about the gorilla monster so I’ve made a worksheet that you should be able to write on and turn it when it’s done.

Have a good day
Love from Mrs Fitzpatrick
You can get in touch with me, Mrs D, Mrs E or Mr G if you are having problems. x

Background Notes for Parents Y4.docx
Home Learning with BBC Bitesize – KS2 Primary Maths for Year 4 – BBC Bitesize
Home learning with BBC Bitesize – KS2 primary English for year 4 – BBC Bitesize
Home Learning with BBC Bitesize – KS2 Primary Music for Year 4 – BBC Bitesize

Activity 3 – Gorilla Monster
Google Docs

RE week 1 lesson l Good news brings life
Google Docs

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