Thursday 23rd April

Morning everyone. I hope you are all well and are being good!

For English we will be using the BBC Bitsize again. Go to the link
Today we will be recapping commands and also using commas in a list. I would like you complete activity two.

For maths today, we will be recapping 2d shapes again. Look at the shapes you recapped yesterday. Can you go on a shape hunt around the house and garden. How many different shapes can you find? I have also attached today’s flashback 4.

We will continue again with some RE today.
Lesson 3: Share the story of Pentecost Day.

After Jesus had gone back to his Father, his friends stayed together with Mary, Jesus’ Mother. Peter was there and James and John and all the others. They missed Jesus very much. They felt weary and lost. They couldn’t get up and get on with their lives. They didn’t know what to do. They talked about their time with Jesus, and wondered about his promise, ‘I will not leave you alone’.
Then on Pentecost day everything changed. It was as if they had been made new, re-created. They were different people. They were filled with life, joy, peace and happiness.
They knew that Jesus had kept his promise to send the Holy Spirit, who would be with them always. They wanted to share this happiness and they got up straight away to go out to tell everyone.


The Holy Spirit has filled Jesus’ friends with new life. They are not afraid anymore, they wanted to share their joy. Christians too can spread the word about this happiness because they know that Jesus has brought new life for everyone through the Holy Spirit.

The Good News is that the Holy Spirit is a helper and guide for everyone, so they can spread God’s love. The Holy Spirit helps us share God’s love by the way we live our lives.

Can you learn this prayer to the Holy Spirit and design a poster showing some of the ways in which Christians spread the Good News to everyone through how they live (for example by showing kindness, sharing, helping others). I have attached a dove and a flame template template (Both symbols of the Holy Spirit.) for you to choose from to write your ideas on.

Come Holy Spirit,
fill us with your joy,
fill us with your love,
fill us with your peace.
Help us to spread the Good News of God’s love to everyone.




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