Thursday 23rd April

Good Morning Year 6! Today is THINK FOR YOURSELF THURSDAY!

Before we start, remember to exercise, Joe Wicks has been great fun! Try to keep that up. Please complete the short maths task attached, complete reading plus and practice learning the names of the foods from yesterday’s Spanish task.

Using the bitesize website, try these maths challenges
Remember some types of questions require some trial and error so it’s ok if you don’t get the answer the first time round. Try to work systematically to find the answers.

Then it is important we keep up to date with our knowledge of word classes – use the link below to practice identifying nouns and pronouns.

Today I would like you to think about your body. As humans, we forget our bodies are so wonderful and complex and each part of our body has a vital role.

Try and label the organs in your body using the attached sheet to guide you. Then I would like you to research the function of each of these organs. Why do we need them?

Then I would like you to try and label the bones we have in our body using the sheet attached. Have you ever broken any of these bones?

You can present your findings however you like, label a diagram or a video explaining the functions of each. Use books or the internet to help you find the function.  Can you create a catchy poem, song or rap to help you remember the organs and/or bones that make up our bodies?

I will post the answers for both labelling tasks at the end of the day. Enjoy! #bekind #staysafe #learnlots

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