Thursday 19th March

Hello Year 2. It has been lovely to see some of your lovely work from yesterday. Well done! You have made me so proud with how hard you have been working!

Here is what your class friends will be doing in school today.



In maths today we will be practicing our 2x, 5x and 10x tables and playing some games. Can you practise chanting your tables and maybe ask your grown up if they can ask you some quick fire questions e.g. what is 3 x 5? etc  Maybe you could make a poster with the facts from one of the tables to pop on your fridge to help you to learnt them


In English today we will again be reading the Owl and The Pussycat poem that we looked at yesterday. Can you write the poem as a story? For example you could begin with…

Once upon a time there was an owl and a pussy cat who decided they would like to go on an adventure in their pea green boat. They collected some shiny coins and plenty of delicious honey and some very other important things. Excitedly, they climbed  onto their boat to set sail.


In PE today, we will be continuing to practise our tennis skills. If you have a bat and ball at home you could maybe practise some of the skills that we have been practicing with john in your garden. If not, then can you try and get active by having a look at BBC super movers online.  Here is the website


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