Thinking Thursday

Today is thinking Thursday and we are going to be thinking a lot. You need to think about the different words Supertato. Evil Pea and Carrot might be saying and write it in your speech bubbles. You need to think about making patterns using fruit, vegetables or objects around the house. You then need to think about how you could create a picture using lots of fruit and vegetables. Wow! that is a lot of thinking. Don’t forget to make sure you are doing your daily exercises each day to keep fit and active and most importantly have fun.

Thank you for all of your lovely messages to your friends. I’m in school tomorrow and will collect them together and send out the slide show as soon as it is finished. Xxx


Thursday’s tasks




Watch YouTube for your daily phonics work. Today the sounds are:

Set 1 – r 
Set 2 – ar 
Set 3 – a-e

Play Kim’s game

You need a selection of letters or sounds on paper that need revising. Your child will have a list of the sounds being used that they can refer to. A cover is put over the letters or sounds. The children hide their eyes while one letter/sound is removed. The children have to look and say the letter/sound that is missing – if they cannot remember they will need to look at their list of letters/sounds to check which are present. They may also need to point to the list to identify the letter/sound missing if they cannot name it. In naming the sound you can reinforce the letter/ sound knowledge.


Literacy Can you write what you think the vegetables will say in the speech bubbles ?
Maths We use White Rose Maths in school. Go to home learning page Summer Week 1 lesson 4

Today a lot of the work is based on making patterns by printing with vegetables. You might decide to use objects around your house to print with instead.

I’ve also included a pattern challenge if you prefer.

Other areas of learning There is a famous artist called Giuseppe Arcimboldo who uses fruit and vegetables to inspire his paintings. Why don’t you use some fruit and vegetables to create your own painting?

One of your friends made a lovely picture using fruit and vegetables. I’ve included his picture to give you some ideas. You don’t need to use real fruit you might want to draw fruit or use the objects you have printed with.




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