Rights Respecting Questionnaire

In school we have recently completed our annual Rights Respecting Questionnaires. As a whole, we as duty bearers are going to find more opportunities to help children share their knowledge and understanding of the convention with other adults and children in school as well as their parents as sharing rights with their wider family at present is not an option due to lockdown restrictions.

Please see the outcomes of our recent questionnaire below:

Reception Class

From this questionnaire duty bearers in Reception Class are going to make learning about rights more clear when the task is associated with an article so the children know that is what they are learning about.


Year 1

From this questionnaire duty bearers have met with the children who said they did not feel safe in school or felt like that could not tell an adult if they felt unsafe and since our anti-bullying week they now know who their trusted adults are and what they could do if there was ever a time they did not feel safe.


Year 2

From this questionnaire duty bearers in year 2 are giving the children more choices when it comes to playing an active role in their own learning to help them enjoy learning and feel like they have had their opinions listened to. They choose activities in maths, phonics as well as their own reading books.


Year 3

From this questionnaire, like year 2, children in year 3 are provided with more opportunities to choose and influence their own learning through maths, reading as well as active time. To help build the self-esteem of those children who were unsure or said they did not generally like the way they were, this is being addressed with positive affirmations and through PHSE sessions.


Year 4

From this questionnaire the duty bearers address questions 2,3,5 and 6 during Anti-bullying week and now the children do feel more confident in knowing who their trusted bearers are and feel safer in school knowing we have plans in place to keep all children safe. The children who reported they did not like the way they were or who we unsure has had this addressed through PHSE sessions.

Year 5

From this questionnaire duty bearers are going to ensure positive praise is used and PHSE lessons are used as a way to help build self-esteem for those children who said no or that they were unsure of whether they liked the way they were.

Year 6

From this questionnaire duty bearers in year 6 are going to provide more opportunities for children to make choices regarding their learning and find more opportunities to tailor learning to their interests.


Staff at St.Cuthbert’s

An excellent response from all staff at St.Cuthbert’s. This is a true reflection of the impact of being a Rights Respecting School has had on our staff since achieving silver award and moving forward towards gold.

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