Reading Plus Challenge

Well done to the children who have accessed Reading Plus.

Let’s challenge ourselves further.
Year 3 have read a total of 35696 words. Can you reach 40000?
Year 4 have read a total of 93505 words. Can you reach 100000?
Year 5 have read a total of 74279 words. Can you reach 80000?
Year 6 have read a total of 1892828 words. Can you reach 2000000?
Let’s get reading! Remember if you read 2 consecutive stories with 80% of more you receive a combo. The more combos, the more avatars you get for your dashboard. 
For anyone who has not yet tried reading plus, we can give you a login. You carry out the assessment by following the videos and answering the questions. Once this is complete, it will select suitable texts for you to read. Once you have read those texts at 80% accuracy or more, you will level up and get new texts to try.
Please contact me directly if you need a login
Miss Huntley

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