RE Consultation

At St Cuthbert’s, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education that gives children and young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives.

From Summer 2021, the Department for Education made Relationships and Health Education (Primary) and Relationships Sex Education and Health Education compulsory in all schools. Parents cannot withdraw their children from this aspect of education.

The programme we use focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world.  It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships.  Learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, it gives children and young people the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships and will help them take responsibility for their own well-being.  All of the sessions are age-appropriate and meet the needs of all pupils in the class.

Please do read the information below carefully and respond to our google form should you have any comments. Any comments should be sent by Monday 19th June.

RSE Policy

EYFS Overview

Key Stage 1 Overview

Lower Key Stage 2 Overview (Y3.4)

Upper Key Stage 2 Overview (Y5:6)

RSE consultation 2023


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