

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted regulate and inspect schools and colleges to seek improvement in the service. They carry out large number of inspections and regulatory visits in England and publish their finding on their website.

Department for Education

Many Parents are keen to see how we are performing in relation to other schools. The Department for Education (Dfe) Performance Tables provide a reliable and accessible source of comparative information on pupil attainment and progress, absence, workforce and finance.

Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle

Every Catholic school of whatever kind is subject to a Diocesan Inspection. This inspection is required and regulated by canon law. Voluntary Aided (VA) Catholic schools are also subject to a statutory inspection of denominational education and collective worship under section 48 (S48) of the Education Act 2005. Catholic Academies are subject to a denominational inspection which is regulated by the Academy Funding Agreement for each academy.

For all Catholic VA schools and Academies, the Diocesan Inspection outcome and report will serve as either the S48 outcome and report in the case of a VA school, or as the inspection outcome and report required by the Academy Funding Agreement. In short, all Catholic schools of whatever kind will be subject to both S5 and Diocesan inspections.

Our most recent inspection was in July 2023:

Check School Performance Tables

You can use performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) to compare schools and colleges in your area. You can check:

  • exam and test results

  • financial information

  • Ofsted reports

You can only see statistics for schools and colleges in England.

Start your search here

In order for parents to see our current performance measures, we have included SATs / Teacher Assessment data for the past three years for KS2 and KS1 below.   Pupils typically leave us working above national average in Reading, Writing and Maths.

KS2 2024

KS2 2023

KS1 2023

KS2 2022

KS1 2022