Sports Premium
What is Sports Premium?
The Government provides funding directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children, the funding is ring-fenced and can only be spent on physical activity, sport and PE provision in schools.
Purpose of funding
Schools will have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PESSPA, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
How we spend the funding and who benefits
The staff, children and governors at St. Cuthbert’s Primary all agree that the money must be used so that:
- all children benefit regardless of sporting ability;
- children are given the opportunity to compete and participate in festivals and competitions;
- children are taught to be active for 60 minutes daily and we provide 30 minutes in school time to be active daily;
- play times, which make up about 50 minutes of our school day, give pupils opportunities to be active and develop coordination, strength, balance and teamwork;
- staff have access to resources and training opportunities, plus continued professional development to improve the quality of teaching and learning in physical education;
- we explore ways to ensure that as many pupils as possible leave us able to be water safe and swim at least 25 metres,
- children are exposed to a range of traditional and non-traditional sports and health enhancing activities through the curriculum, clubs and school visits.
Highlights of the Academic year 2023/2024
- Participation in a range of competitions through Easington School Sports Partnership and local football leagues;
- Participation in many themed events for the whole school e.g. Santa Dash, Dance With Me, Quidditch, Silent Disco, Colour Run, Hoopstarz, Skipping School and a Splash Run
- Winning medals in a wide range of competitions including success at County level for some pupils;
- Continued investment in OPAL training and resources so our playtimes are more active and engaging – SILVER AWARD EARNED
- Earning PLATINUM SCHOOL GAMES MARK – this shows that we have sustained GOLD status for 5 years and made improvements in that time.
Our Priorities for 2024/2025
- To ensure that all children are receiving high quality opportunities to participate and develop their skills in a range of sports and games;
- To continue to develop our after school club provision;
- To continue to ensure all children are active each day and to link this with our wellbeing and PSHE work;
- To develop our outdoor areas so children are active at playtimes;
- To begin to implement Forest Schools for our youngest children;
- To plan opportunities for family active sessions