Ofsted Report


As you know, we had an Ofsted inspection on 22nd and 23rd May and I am delighted to attach our Ofsted report.

The inspection was a ‘Section 8 Ungraded Inspection’. That means that because we have previously been judged as a ‘good’ school, an inspector came to confirm that this was still the case.  We were pleased that this was recognised, and that the inspector looked more widely at our curriculum and things going on in school. He recognised that if this was a ‘Section 5 Graded Inspection’, our school has evidence of outstanding practice.  This means that we keep our ‘Good’ grading but that we will be inspected again between the next 12 to 24 months by a bigger team who will look to change the judgement. This is the best possible outcome from the inspection.

We are incredibly proud of this report which is a wonderful reflection of the hard work and support of our whole school community; staff, pupils, governors and families. The report highlights the many strengths of our school and shows that we truly are a school family with the children at the heart of everything we do.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Ofsted Report 2024