
Year 1 History Trip

We have had a great afternoon visiting Church Street and eating ice cream. We had a sketch map of Church Street and mapped out the things that we could see. We will then be comparing this to the 1950s high street.

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Autumn (Reception class)

Reception class have been learning all about autumn and the changes that happen. We have enjoyed the stories, ‘The Leaf Thief’ and ‘Leaf Man’ This week, we have explored the autumn treasures we brought from home, we have been on an autumn walk in our school environment and made autumn crowns and we have painted autumn trees. The children have …

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Football News

Tonight, the A Team played in the Harry Page Cup Final against Ryhope Juniors. This was possibly the most exciting football match we have ever see for a cup final. The boys were going into this final on the back of their unlucky loss on Tuesday against Ryhope. We didn’t let that bother us, we kept our heads up and …

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Glow stick dancing

Today was a fun day not only did we get the chance to dance with glow sticks we were able to sing along to our favourite songs. Thank you to Sophie for coming in and showing us some cool dance routines.

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Year 2 Dance Session

Today Year 2 enjoyed a “dance with me” session with Sophie from the Sports Partnership. We had fun learning new dance moves using the glow sticks and singing along.  

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Y6 Crime and Punishment

This term, in our History lessons, Y6 have been exploring crime and punishment throughout different time periods. Today, we were investigating the Victorian period and Y6 were sentenced to ‘hard labour’ in a Victorian prison. We had a go at some activities such as picking oakam, the tread wheel, standing still and stretching and moving a heavy weight backwards and …

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Careers conversation with an architect

Year 6 enjoyed their first careers conversation today as part of their Positive Footprints, Raising Aspirations programme. Today’s guest was an architect. The children were surprised to hear that it is a career for anyone who is both interested in science and art.

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Football News

We played a league match at home to Ryhope Juniors tonight. The A Team played first and it was a very even match. The ball was being passed and moved from end to end. Ryhope scored first but we were able to attack on the counter. We made some great shots but didn’t manage to find the target in the …

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Year 1 Gymnastics

We are having lots of fun in gymnastics this half term. We have been learning how to do forward rolls, teddy bear rolls, back support and balances. We are remembering to keep our toes pointed and to hold our positions. Well done Year 1 you have been trying really hard.

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Year 5’s Celebration of the Word

Year 5 shared their celebration of the Word with on Friday with a theme focusing on Harvest. Their Gospel reading was the feeing of the 5000 and their mission was to help fill our foodbank to support our local community

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Year 6 Glow Party

Last week year 6 enjoyed a glow party “dance with me” session with Sophie from the sports partnership. This was good for wellbeing as well as a great way to get active and have fun!  

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Music with Mr Robinson

Year 6 have enjoyed music lessons this half term with Mr Robinson, from St.Bede’s. We have used Kodaly to help with our singing, sang with a melody, bass and harmony as well as composing our own riffs inspired by the song “ain’t no mountain high enough” all while building on our knowledge of syncopation. This week we even explored the …

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World Mental Health Day

St. Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School are taking part in World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10th October. Please see the information below for what will be happening in school.

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Our first violin lesson

Today we got our violins out for the first time we were really excited to finally get the chance to handle our instruments. Mrs Sellars explained to us how to hold the violin and stand correctly. We also learnt how to pluck the strings in different ways. It was lots of fun and we cant wait until next week.  

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Year 5 History

We are learning about the Anglo Saxon time period in history. We have found out why the Anglo Saxons came to Britain and why they stayed. We designed our own villages and looked at Anglo Saxon houses and settlements. We were able to study some artefacts and work out what they were used for using non-fiction books to find evidence …

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Year 4 Dancing

Year 4 worked up a sweat in our dance session this week with Sophie from the Easington School Sports Partnership. The partnership continue to support our staff in providing fun, exciting PE lessons for our children.  

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Year 2 Beginnings

In RE we have been looking at Beginnings, everyday and night we look around and see all that God made and remember the God made us too. We created our own paintings of a sunrise to show each new day is a new beginning.  

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Cross Country Competition

Yesterday, some of our children attended the Cross Country Competition held at East Durham College. They put in an amazing effort in very tough running conditions. They gave it their all and everyone was able to finish the race. Our Year 1/2 girls team came 3rd overall and Annabella placed 3rd individually. The Year 3/4 girls team also placed 3rd …

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St. Cuthbert’s Stars

Well done to all of our children who received certificates this week. We love to celebrate and share the wonderful things that are achieved each week.

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Reception class dance with Sophie

Reception class had great fun this morning in their dance class with Sophie from our Sports Partnership. Sophie couldn’t believe that we had only been in Reception class for 4 weeks!

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