
Year 3 & 4 Sportshall Athletics

Some of our Year 3 & 4  children attended the Sportshall Athletics competition today competing in both track and field events. They all performed extremely well and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. We are very proud of you all and well done for being great representatives of our school.

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Year 6 Adam Bushnell Visit

Today, Year 6 had a visit from local author, Adam Bushnell. Adam showed us how to design a robot that would help the environment. When we had finished adding all of the special features we wanted the robot to have, we had to decide how the robot could malfunction. This was great fun and we really enjoyed thinking up the …

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Year 5 & 6 Sportshall Athletics

We are very proud of all of the year 5 & 6 children who attended the sportshall athletics competition today competing in both track and field events. They all performed extremely well and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. We received first place in the small school entry (this was for schools with only a 1 form entry) and our children were very …

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Cookery Club

We had lots of fun making greek yoghurt pizzas. We followed a set of instructions and all kneaded our dough.  

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Year 4 Art

Our art topic in Year 4 this term is modern art. We have been looking at the works of Wayne Thibaud and the children created a food sculpture in his style using Modroc and decorated them using acrylic paint.

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Year 2 Celebration of The Word

A BIG well done to Year 2 for a wonderful assembly and celebration of The Word. Today we led the school in a Remembrance assembly. The children were wonderful, reading their parts and singing beautifully from start to finish. Thank you to our parents for coming to watch and showing us your support. We are all very proud of Year …

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November Newsletter

Please click the link to view our November 2023 Newsletter. There are some important diary dates for upcoming events and activities and you can find out what has been going on in school over the last few weeks. November Newsletter 2023

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Reception: Remember, Remember the 5th of November

In Reception class today, we learnt all about the history behind Bonfire night. We enjoyed lots of firework activities to develop our fine motor skill. We also built some CVC words.

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Lego Club Week 1

This week in Lego Club we were Space Rangers and we are on a super secret mission to build a new spaceship.  

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St. Cuthbert’s Stars

Well done to the children who received awards this week. Keep up the good work.  

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Fiction Express Friday

Year 6 have enjoyed reading the first chapter of their chosen book on Fiction Express this half term – Son of the Samurai by Adam Bushnell. These 3 boys were very happy with the quick reply back from author, Adam Bushnell, after they had commented on the forum in reply to his question. We can’t wait to see what happens …

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Articles of the Week – A reflection of Black History Month

As we come to the end of October, we reflect on Black History Month. Black History Month takes place in October every year and is a celebration of key figures and events in Black history. Having begun in the USA, it has been celebrated in the UK since 1987, with the emphasis on celebrating particularly the history and contributions to …

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Darwin’s Finches Investigation

Year 6 have been learning about how the finches discovered on the Galapagos island by Charles Darwin informed his theory of evolution by natural selection. We used different sized objects which represented the size of the food accessible across the island as well as using spoons, tweezers, a peg and toothpicks to replicate the different beak types. It was clear …

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Y6 shelter building

As part of our Y6 Judaism topic at the end of last half term we learnt about the Jewish festival, Sukkot. This is the festival of shelters which is a reminder of when their people were freed from slavery and went into the desert for 40 years. They had to build shelters with only God to protect them. This tradition …

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Flu Immunisations

The immunisation team will be returning to your child’s school on 16 November 2023 to complete the immunisation programme. If you have not already completed a consent form and wish for your child to be vaccinated, please complete the link below: Flu Immunisations If since giving us consent your child has received the vaccine from the GP or hospital please contact us …

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New School Dinner Menu

You can click the link below to view the school dinner menu for this term. School Lunch Menu

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Autumn Disco

Our Friends of St Cuthbert’s Group have organised an Autumn Disco. Please see below for details.

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Clubs – Autumn Half Term 2

Please see our clubs page for a link to the clubs we are offering for the second half of Autumn Term.

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World Mental Health Day

On 10th October, children at St. Cuthbert’s took part in lots of activities to raise awareness of mental health and discovered ways to promote their own and other’s positive mental health. Children dressed in something green to echo the colour of the World Mental Health Day took part in a whole school assembly that promoted being a “Bucket Filler” and …

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Reception Class – Motion for the Ocean

The children had a visit from Georgina Fuller to learn all about our oceans and how to protect them. Following on from this, they have created a lovely piece of class art work which is to displayed this weekend in the town hall at Seaham’s @motion4the ocean art exhibition. Visit Seaham Town council’s Facebook page for my details.

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