
Year 1 – Art

Year 1 practised using dots, dashes and lines today then we used our skills to draw the still life we had made out of some fruit on our tables.

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Year 3 Art

This term we will be learning how to use different techniques  and media when drawing. To start our topic, we began talking about primary colours and how together, these make the secondary colours. Once we mixed primary colours to make secondary colours, we mixed the colours again to make tertiary colours. We made some very colourful colour wheels.  

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Year 3 Violins

On Friday we had our first violin lesson. We had a lot of fun and can already point to parts of the violin and make play the g chord. I’m sure we will have some budding violinists.  

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Year 3 Geography

This term our topic is, ‘Is the UK the same everywhere?’ Today we used our map reading skills to locate mountains and rivers in the UK. We found them using an  atlas, then plotted them onto our own UK maps.          

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Football Update

Football update. There have been lots of matches over the last week. The 5 a side team came third out of ten in a tournament and made it through to the next round. The A team were in action against New Seaham Academy on Wednesday. They played brilliantly as usual. They won the game 2-1 with goals coming from William …

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Year 2 – Recycle with Michael

Year 2 have been learning all about recycling and why it is important to recycle. We watched a short video all about ‘The Salvation Army’ and talked about ‘Recycle with Michael’’. Lots of the children have brought in their old clothes and shoes to donate to The Salvation Army as part of the Recycle with Michael scheme. They enjoyed a …

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Year 2 – Roald Dahl

Year 2 enjoyed celebrating Roald Dahl’s birthday. We looked fantastic dressed as our favourite Roald Dahl characters. We learnt all about capacity and enjoyed measuring out our own marvellous medicines just like George. We also enjoyed comparing the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood to Roald Dahl’s version, Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf from his revolting rhymes.

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Fun Friday Maths!

Year 5 have enjoyed their Fun Friday Maths today – using number lines to delve deeper into rounding and solving a tricky puzzle with some pentominoes.  They showed great resilience.

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Year 1 – Art

Year 1 are going to be looking at some still life in art this half term with Mrs Parlett. They began by looking at the work of Paul Cezanne and using chalk pastels to sketch fruit and look at how different colours blend together.

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Year 5 – Heritage Walk

Year 5 enjoyed their heritage walk on Friday, learning about some of the buildings we can still find from the past and how and why the Londonderry family developed the harbour and coal mines.

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Year 2 – Heritage Walk

In our art and history topics this term we are going to be looking buildings and monuments in our local area. We visited ur local cenotaph and we enjoyed sketching parts of the cenotaph. On our way back to school we had a visit to the park as a special treat. We all had such a lovely afternoon.

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Year 5 Sketchbooks

Year 5 spent some time this afternoon sketching examples from the wonderful book The Lost Words in the style of Jackie Morris. We have some real talent in our class!

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Year 1 – Bottle Top Art

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The Big Play 2019

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Year 5 – Seaham Grange Farm

Did you know we rely on a farmer every five minutes throughout our lives? Do you know which crops are grown just along the road from our school and what they are used to make? Well, Year 5 do! We had a brilliant afternoon at Seaham Grange Farm learning all about crops grown in our local area and what products …

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Netball Success!

On Tuesday we went to a netball competition in peterlee at Dene School.  We played Easington Colliery and Ribbon School who were all very good.  We played as a team really well and won with an overall score of 15 points.  We had to keep swapping positions so we could all have a game without anyone being left out. Every …

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Skipping School 2019

Gail from skipping school came in as part of our active week this week. She worked with all classes and trained some of our KS2 children to be playground leaders. Our skills are absolutely amazing!

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Year 3 at the Oriental Museum.

Year 3 had a lovely day at the Oriental Museum. The trip completed our Egyptian topic off perfectly. Rachael kept us very busy. During the morning, we became explorers and had to investigate what we thought ancient artefacts were made from, where they were used and what the object was. We then went on an Egyptian quest in the Egyptian …

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Year 5 Battle Cries!

Rody Robert Ria Michael May Manisha Madeleine Macy Luca Liam Lexia Kian Jack Grace Gabriel Freyja Ethan Ellie Carys Byron Brooke Anya Anthony Amelia Amelia Alexis Luke  

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Dance Showcase 2019

Year 5/6 Dance Club took part in the Dance Showcase this year.  They did so well representing our school.  Well done Dance Club, we are so proud of you all. Miss Armes and Mrs Strong

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