
Well done Roman!

A huge well done to Roman in Year 3, who came 1st in a dancing competition. Roman came 1st in singles dance, pairs dance and group dance when he went to a dance competition at Butlins during the half term holidays. He has obviously worked very hard. Congratulations Roman from your St. Cuthbert’s friends.

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Making Magic Potions

Reception Class were trying to make their own magic potions. First of all they had to make a magic wand using leaves and sticks. They then made a magic potion using mud. They also made a class potion that started to bubble !!!

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Fun at the Disco

Reception Class had great fun at their first Halloween Disco. Their costumes were so good it was hard to recognise them! A big thank you to all the organisers .  

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Netball Winners!

Congratulations to the girls who represented our school at the tier 1 netball competition this morning at Shotton Hall. They won 2 games and drew one taking them through to the final which they won 5-2! Excellent netball and sportsmanship! We are very proud of you all.

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Pumpkin Carving

Year 2 have had a lovely morning carving their pumpkins ready for their spooky writing tomorrow.  

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Durham Cathedral

Year 2 had a lovely day at Durham Cathedral and enjoyed finding out why it is a special place in our local area.  

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Year 1 Making Fruit Salad

Year 1 have enjoyed making fruit salad this afternoon.

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Year 1 writer of the week

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Year 3 Nocturnal Animal Projects

Well done Year 3 for your fantastic Nocturnal Animal projects. They were brilliant and we had a lovely morning sharing learning learning logs and projects. Keep up the good work.

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Year 5 – William Morris

Year 5 making a start on their sketchbook work researching William Morris. Taking pride in presentation is our mantra this term and year 5 are enjoying making design and layout choices in their work.

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Year 1 – Exploring fruit in Art

More exploring of fruit in art in Year 1. We’re using what we know about colour mixing to make fruit prints for our woven baskets based on Handa’s Surprise.

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Fun with fruit

This week Terri Gee from Asda came to visit Reception Class. He brought with him lots of different types of fruit  for the children to try.We spoke about how important it is to try and eat 5 types of fruit a day. We had lots of fun.

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Garden Club have been busy

The children who take part in Garden Club have been working so hard to get the allotment ready for the Winter. Our latest challenge was to move the bark chippings across the field to the allotment.

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Year 1 – Writer of the week


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Halloween Disco

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Year 2 – Maths is Fun!

Last week Year 2 enjoyed ‘maths is fun’. We have been recapping what we know about 2d shapes and enjoyed a carousel of shape activities.

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AED Device in school

St. Cuthbert’s now have an AED device in school. We were able to purchase the defibrillator using the very generous donations from the local community during our Asda bag pack last term. We would like to thank everyone for their kind donations as this is a valuable resource for our school.

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Harriet has her hair cut for The Princess Trust.

Well done Harriet! On Monday, Harriet had an amazing 15 inches of her hair cut off to donate to The Princess Trust. What a kind and thoughtful thing to do. We are very proud of you Harriet. Doesn’t her new hairstyle look amazing?

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Year 6 visit the National Glass Centre

Year 6 enjoyed a visit to Sunderland National Glass Centre to explore the history of glass making and to watch a live demonstration. The children were even able to make their own glass tile, which is currently in a giant kiln, ready to be collected later this week. They have been exploring glassware and perspectives in Art and this was …

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Year 5 – The Lost Words

Beautiful Y5 work based on The Lost Words. Black out poetry where we chose words from the introduction to make a poem, then acrostics with metaphors. And of course… we are working on beautiful presentation because Mrs Parlett is a presentation pest!

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