
Year 5 Geography

We’re learning about forces that shape our amazing world this term.  This week we learned about how glaciers have caused the beautiful scenery at the Lake District. To help us understand what a contour line is, we sculpted hills out of salt dough then cut them into layers before drawing around them to demonstrate that they show height.

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Year 5 Gymnastics

Year 5 are working hard on their paired routines in gymnastics this week.  

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Year 2 – DT Structures

Our DT topic is all about structures at the park. We had fun using lots of different construction toys to make structures that we might see at the park.

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Merry Christmas Reception Class

A massive big thank you to all of you for the lovely cards and presents you sent us for Christmas. It was so kind of you. We have had a super first term with your children and can’t believe they have completed their first term in school. We wish you all a very Happy Christmas with your families and look …

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Year 4 – Christmas 2019

Year 4 would just like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.  We have enjoyed preparing for Christmas in Year 4.  Mrs Fitzpatrick, Mrs Eadsforth and Mrs Donnelly would like to thank everyone for their wonderful gifts and wish you all a Happy New Year!

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Shoebox Trenches

Final making stages of our shoebox trenches with a festive twist and some interesting coveralls and aprons!

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Our visit to Beamish

Today we went to Beamish to find out what Christmas was like in the past. We made biscuits, peg doll angels and played some traditional games. We found out it was very different to how we celebrate Christmas now. After lunch we went to visit Santa it was like going to the North Pole because it was so cold! We …

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Shoebox Trenches

Year 6 have started to make their shoebox trenches. They have spent some time exploring what trenches looked like and what they needed in order to function and they embarked on the mission to create their own trenches which would be fit for purpose for a soldier fighting in WW1. They began by designing their trench, deciding on suitable materials, …

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Christmas Jumper Day

Our Rights Respecting Ambassadors are proud to announce that we raised £164 for Save The Children by holding our own christmas jumper day. Thank you for everyone who joined us and made a donation.  

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Reception Nativity 2019

Click here to view and download ‘Reception Nativity 2019’

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Reception Class Nativity Play

Our Reception Class have worked so hard to learn all of the songs and words so they could perform their Nativity Play for the school and their grown ups. They wriggled and danced with lots of enthusiasm. They sang and spoke so confidently and clearly.It was obvious they were enjoying themselves and they made their audiences smile. I think they …

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Year 5 – Seasonality

Year 5 have been exploring seasonality by learning to make vegetable soup. Well done to all our children for their amazing attitude to veggies and trying new tastes and textures.  

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Y4 prepare for Christmas

Y4 have been getting the classroom ready for Christmas this week. We have put our Advent Wreath on display, decorated our Christmas tree, set up the crib and arranged some Christmas books for all to share. We are also taking turns to open a door on our Advent calendar and read out a prayer or suggestion of something we can …

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Key Steps Competition

Our gymnastics squad today took part in the Key Steps team competition. A huge congratulations to all of the children. They have made such brilliant progress in the quality of their performances this term but they also worked well as a team and their conduct and sportsmanship were exceptional! Very well done to our youngest team of Y1 and 2 …

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Children’s science day

Children from year 6 were invited to the annual children’s science day to develop their scientific thinking and enquiry skills. Their contribution was about how plants and animals have evolved over time and have had to adapt to their environment in order to survive. They explored a variety of other scientific tasks, developing their questioning at each station. To end …

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Christmas science workshop

Year 6 enjoyed getting into the christmas spirit with a scientific christmas workshop. First the children were tasked with making toothpaste for reindeers, they really enjoyed seeing the chemical reaction. Then they used their prior knowledge of changing state to make their own vanilla scented bauble bath-bombs.  

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Eco-Schools Award: National Energy Topic Winners!

National Energy Topic Award Winners: St Cuthbert’s RCVA Primary School “The children have pledged to continue their mission.” Having recently joined the Eco-Schools family, St Cuthbert’s discovered (through their Environmental Review) that their school’s energy use and energy bills were increasing. This had to be one of the first issues their Eco-Committee decided to tackle! After discussing how to raise …

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Year 3 Educational Visit

On Tuesday, Year 3 went on an educational visit to the Synagogue and the Laing Art Gallery. We have recently been learning about Judaism as part of our RE topic and Mrs Vandervelde was so impressed with how much we had already learned. The children had a lovely morning working with Mrs Vandervelde and her friend Kim. They were able …

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Year 5 Class Liturgy

A beautiful liturgy in Year 5 celebrating commitment, fidelity and our mission to follow Christ.  

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Purple Mash Touch Type

This half term, Year 3 are learning how to type with speed and efficiency. They will be learning correct typing terminology and will practise improving their typing skills. We will link this to our Stone Age topic where children will write short stories or information texts about the Stone Age.

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