
NSPCC Number Day

We enjoyed being dressed like Rockstars in Y5 and having a Times Table Rockstars competition, playing maths games and learning about the artist Escher who used tessellating patterns. Thank you all for bringing in your coins – we made towers and patterns.    

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Where is Pat?

This week some penguins came to stay. Today one of them, Pat went missing.We decided to make some missing posters and put them around the school.We also tried to use the facts we have learnt to try and find him. We looked at google maps to find our school and the school grounds.The children went to look in the grounds …

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Box Fit

Year 5 and 6 multi sports club are having a great time with John doing some Box Fit tonight!

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Bible Stories

Today Year 6 enjoyed sharing some of their favourite Old Testament stories with their Reception Class buddies.  

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Celebrating Chinese New Year

This week Reception Class have been enjoying learning about Chinese New Year. They have been trying different challenges using chop sticks, making rafts for the animals from the story, “The Great Race” and writing stories.To end the week we had a Chinese feast. The children had to cut up the vegetables for the stir fry. Some of the children even …

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Watercolour art

Year 3 have enjoyed learning different techniques using watercolours this week. We used watercolour paint and pencils and practised techniques such as wet on wet, wet on dry, dry on dry, dry on wet, stippling and shading. We then painted our own choice of picture to try out our new skills. In the next lesson, we will be painting a …

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Skipping School

On Thursday, Gail from Skipping School came to work with Year 3 and 4 on their skipping skills. She was so impressed with how well the children could skip and all the skills they had. Children were able to do the double bounce, speed bounce, hopscotch, side swing, cross over and pretzel to name a few. Over the next few …

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What Shapes Our World?

In Year 5 we’re learning about what happens when Earth’s plates move! We used some boards and playdoh to think about how our land changes over time and have written some reports based on our findings because we’re learning to write like geographers.  

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Y4 Community

As part of our Community topic in RE, we have been thinking about what makes a good community. We decided things like sharing, turn taking, team work and socialising were among the things that are important in any community. To follow up on this, we brought our toys and games to school to share with others. We had a fantastic …

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Monday Art Club

This week in Art Club we have been looking at Valentines Day as a theme.  We are working on making Valentine’s garlands with our family photos to show how much we love and care for each other.

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Y4 Maths

Y4 have been investigating triangles and quadrilaterals in their maths lessons recently. We were learning about the different types of triangles and their properties and made them in various ways. We used straws, sticks, geoboards and even completed some art work based on Sierpinski Gasket. We drew upside down equilateral triangles repeatedly to make a design. The finished designs were …

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Geografun Club – Geocaching!

Today we found our first Geocache! What is Geocaching? Geocaching is a treasure hunting game, where participants retrieve GPS coordinates from the internet and navigate to the outdoor location using a GPS device (Garmin, TomTom, smart phone).The basic idea is to locate hidden outdoor containers, called geocaches and then share your experiences online. Those of us with techie kids, should have …

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Year 6 – 2Code

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Year 3 Tennis

We are having lots of fun learning how to play tennis with John. This is only our second lesson and already we are making progress. Watch out Andy Murray!  

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Investigating Fossils

Year 3 are coming to the end of their science topic ‘Rocks and Fossils.’ In Thursday’s lesson, we looked carefully at various fossils and discussed what we thought we could find out about them from our observations. We discussed how palaeontologists used fossils to help them find out about living things from millions of years ago.

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Y4 trip to St. Bede’s

Y4 went to St. Bede’s school to take part in a science lesson. Their task was to measure the voltage created by adding different metals to citrus fruits.

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Reception class have been celebrating coming back to school

Today as part of our RE topic on celebrations we decided to have a party to celebrate returning back to school. We decorated biscuits and made party hats. We then played some party songs. We are proud to be in Reception class and looking forward to this term.

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Forest School Morning

Reception Class had a very busy morning today. We were working outside with Helen from Oases. She set us some challenges . We had to make ourselves a den to keep us warm and sheltered. That was thirsty work so we stopped for a drink of hot chocolate! We then had to make a den for our woodland animal friends. …

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Year 5 Spring Term Art

This half term we are experimenting with warm and cool tones and how different pieces of art make us feel. We will be looking at how Monet used colour in his impressionist work and creating some warm and cool pieces of our own using acrylics.   We will add to this post as we do more work over the term.

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Year 5 Long Multiplication

We’re getting stuck into some more tricky multiplication this term. Everyone has done brilliantly at learning the steps in our algorithms.  We’re going to keep practising ’til we can’t get them wrong!

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