
Parent Information from Parents Meeting

Useful Websites we use in class: Times Table Test Times Table Rockstars Hit The Button The School Run Maths Whizz Pupil Page  

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World Book Day 2020

Please keep checking back in with us to see more photos of our World Book Day!

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Melting Chocolate

During our science lesson today, we were learning to use a thermometer accurately. We conducted an experiment. We used three tubs, water, chocolate, trays, thermometers and a stopwatch. We measured out 200ml of water into  each of the three tubs. We checked the temperatures of the water. The temperature of tub one was 50 degrees celsius, tub 2 was 21 …

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Pizza Making

Before half term, Y4 enjoyed making pizzas as part of their Design Technology lessons. They made the dough from scratch, rolled it out and shaped it and chose their own toppings. Everyone enjoyed getting very messy but the best part was eating the pizza! Thank you to everyone who supplied ingredients and to our parent helpers. re

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Knitting Lunchtime Club

Some of Y5 are enjoying their first ever try at knitting (although some are pretty good already!) Thank you to Mrs Bengston for giving up her time to teach us.

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Year 2 – Sculptures

Year 2 have been looking at sculptures by Antony Gormley. We had fun using our bodies to make sculptures. We made boats, bananas, The Angel of the North, numbers and much more. Can you guess what our sculptures are?  

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Augmented Reality

Today, Reception class have been learning about our solar system with their friends in Year 5 using augmented reality.

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Year 5 – Circus Dance

Year 5 performed their dance sequence based on an old fashioned circus show where things go wrong. We’ve enjoyed composing and bringing out different themes. Can you spot the hall of mirrors and the creepy dolls? Who is a strong man, a singer, a dog man or a sword fighter? Video 1 Video 2

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Reception – Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day love from Reception Class!

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Y5 final pieces of work are well underway – we have used our observational skills to sketch local landmarks, painted a ground wash in a warm or cool tone then chosen warm or cool colours to paint using ‘tache’ style strokes like the impressionists.  

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Destination Judo

Y5 enjoyed learning some basic Judo moves this morning. All classes have taken part over the past 2 days so a huge thanks to the club. If anyone is interested in joining, your child will have brought a flier home. A free introductory session is available – contact 0121 728 6987. Classes in Seaham are at All Saints church hall …

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Judo was a great new  contact sport for us to try!

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A visit from Adam Bushnell

Year 6 enjoyed a visit from Adam Bushnell this week where they created a spooky description of a face and read it in the dark using a torch to create a spooky atmosphere.

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Judo fun in Reception

Today Adam came to show us some Judo moves. We had lots of fun practising the different moves.    

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A taste ofJudo

Today we had a taste of what it is like to do Judo. Adam came to show us some skills for new starters. We had great fun and some of us are really keen to join Judo classes.

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An Author came to visit.

On Tuesday, Adam Bushnell came to visit school. In Year 3, we had great fun describing animals without giving the name of the animal away. Some were really hard to guess.

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Reception Class enjoyed working with a real author

Today Adam Bushnell a real author came in to work with us. He brought in a big box and when he opened his box it was full of different types of dragons. We were so excited to listen to Adam’s stories all about dragons. We helped Adam out by making different noises and actions. Adam showed us how to draw …

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Into the dragon’s cave…

We enjoyed working with Adam Bushnell today reading descriptive settings then using different vocabulary to alter them and make them scary.  The best part was reading them to one another with our spooky torches. We will post our completed descriptions once finished.      

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Number Day 2020

Year 6 enjoyed celebrating number day to raise money for the NSPCC. We dressed as rockstars and did everything from Bingo to board games. We carried out competitions to see who could use their coins to make the tallest tower, largest number and spell out number day 2020.

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Number fun in Reception Class

We had lots of fun with numbers today. We started off with a number counting wake up and shake up in the hall. We joined our friends in Year 1 and 2 to make a snail with our coins. Bingo fun in class was next and then this afternoon had some active maths activities outside. What a fun time we …

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