
Cross Country County Finals

Wow! What a day for Lyra (y4) and Ava (y6). After qualifying back in October for County Finals, the girls both went on Friday to represent the Easington District in cross country. The girls have done us proud finishing in the top 20 in the county! Ava placed 9th overall and Lyra placed 18th overall. Amazing achievements for both girls. …

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Basketball at East Durham College

On Thursday, children from years 4 and 6 headed off to East Durham College to participate in a basketball skills session and a competition. As always our children were true ambassadors of St.Cuthbert’s and represented our school, showing excellent sportsmanship, resilience and teamwork. The competition was high for our year 6 competitors, however they pushed through and came 4th overall …

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Year 2 Comic Relief

It’s been all fun and games in Year 2 today. We came to school dressed in bright colours and spent the day finding out about how this year, the event is focusing on supporting those in need during the current living crisis. We spent some time talking about our Catholic Social Teaching animals and their principles, with an emphasis on …

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Comic Relief Day

Y3 have enjoyed Comic Relief today by taking part in some fun activities. This morning, we discussed the importance of supporting our global neighbours and sharing what we have with people who are not as fortunate. We shared some jokes and made each other laugh while completing some funny challenges. This afternoon, we completed our walk for Lent in a …

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Y5 Comic Relief

Y5 had lots of fun today. We enjoyed completing some puzzles, dressing in our funny and bright clothing and completing some funny team games as part of PE. We also talked about what Comic Relief does with the money that we raise and why the projects it supports are important. We were looking at our Catholic Social Teaching animals, particularly …

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Reception Class World Book Day

Reception class had a lovely day celebrating World Book Day. We had a lovely start to To the day sharing our costumes and enjoyed sharing some lovely books with our friends. Mrs Wilkinson gave us a paper plate and we had to decorate it to show our favourite book. We had some fabulous ideas! We listened to lots of stories …

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Signs of Spring

Our new RE topic is all about Lent and new life. This week we went to our allotment to see if we could spot any signs of Spring. We found lots of daffodils and buds on the trees. We also found some tulips, crocus and even some rhubarb! Charlotte was most excited to spot a hedgehog hibernating in our hedgehog …

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Year 2 World Book Day

We have had a fun day in Year 2 celebrating World Book Day. We all came dressed as one of our favourite book characters, taking part in a live lesson, creating our own paper plates with our favourite characters, reading our books and sharing them with our friends.

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Colour Run

Year 3 had lots of fun in the colour run which was part of their, “Big Lent Walk”. Well done to everyone who took part and their grown ups who had to clean them up!

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World Book Day

We had lots of fun in Year 3. We came dressed as our favourite book characters and brought in books to show our classmates what we enjoyed reading. We took part in a live lesson where different authors explained the difference between fiction and non-fiction and set us timed activities to complete. We also created a plate showing a favourite …

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Year 1 World Book Day

We have had a great day celebrating World Book Day today. We have listened to lots of different stories and made our very own paper plate characters.

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Flat Stan First Aid

Last week year 6 enjoyed their session learning some First Aid. They learnt about hazards in the home, common issues like bruises and nose bleeds as well as learning how to give CPR and what to do in the event of choking using Flat Stan. They were all very good at using DR ABC when assessing Flat Stan.

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World Book Day School Lunch

Our wonderful kitchen staff are going all out to get involved with World Book Day. They are serving a special menu on Thursday 7th March and have decorated the food service area with book characters. If your child already has school meals, they will automatically be offered this special menu choice. If your child has packed lunch but would like …

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Super Worm Year 1

In Year 1, we have been reading Super Worm by Julia Donaldson. This week, we will be writing our own non-chronological report all about worms. We went outside to find some worms and to look at their appearance and habitat. We thought of lots of different adjectives to describe worms. Some of us were brave enough to pick the worms …

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Year 5 House Of Fun Dance

Year 5 have been producing a dance with a circus theme in our PE lessons. We were able to create our own movements including freeze poses, actions and mirror imaging with partners. We enjoyed getting into character and choosing props and actions to suit. For our final performance, we got dressed up and had a fantastic time performing our class …

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Big Walk for Lent and Colour Run Just Giving Link

Please use the link below to access our school just giving page for our mission to take part in the Big Walk for Lent. Your child will be walking everyday to help us reach our target of £200 to help our global community. You can make donations to sponsor them for the Big Walk for Lent and the Colour Run …

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Colour Run & BIG Walk for Lent

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Computing in Year 2

This morning we have been practicing how to use the keyboard on the chrome books.  

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A visit from the neighbourhood policing team

Year 5 and 6 had a visit from the local neighbourhood policing team yesterday. They discussed issues around “stranger danger,” who to trust and what to do if they find themselves in that situation. They were also taught more about staying safe online following our E-safety day before half term. We look forward to working alongside them in the future.

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Parent Drop In Session

Kirsty from the SENDIASS Team at Durham is coming into school for a parent drop in session where parents can find out more about Special Educational Needs in County Durham. Your child does not need to have a diagnosed need to attend – Kirsty can also give advice around seeking initial support for learning, mental wellbeing, communication and behaviour.  It’s …

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