
Social Distancing Update

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A letter to our wonderful pupils

I know some of you are a bit worried. Today has been a bit of a sad day as we close the school for a little while. We have asked you to stay away from the school you love and all of your friends. Use this as a time to relax and refresh. We would like you to do some …

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Happy birthday Mya and Emily

Today we have had lots of fun. We have celebrated Mya’s and Emily’s birthday by having a party this afternoon. We may have had a lot of sugar so watch out! We might be a little excited at hometime. On a serious note, we know this is the last time we will see each other for a little while so …

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Cuppas & Chromebooks

The perks of being at home with a cuppa but the dedication of being at school and working hard. Very proud of how hard you are working year 6. Keep it up! You will be secondary school ready in no time!

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Year 6 keeping their spirits up!

For our active time today, we created a tik-tok inspired dance featuring Bambi. We will survive! Check out the link below or visit  our google classroom.    

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Healthy Body and Healthy Minds

We know that this time of uncertainty can be very stressful for young people. They can tell the grown ups around them are anxious, routines change and there are many things we can’t explain.  County Durham have shared the following links with us which you may find useful for yourself or your family. Keeping fit and healthy also remains important …

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Key Worker New Information Friday 20th March

The most recent scientific advice on how to further limit the spread of COVID-19 is clear. If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading. The government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to …

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Key Worker Information Sheet

If you think you are a key worker, please fill in the attached sheet and email to school or return to school tomorrow. We need to know what both parents do as the expectation is that childcare is shared. Thank you Click here to download form.  

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We are still waiting to receive a definitive list of identified ‘Key Workers’ from the government. At this stage we believe schools will be open for vulnerable children and children where both parents are key workers or in single parent families where the main carer is a key worker. Please contact us if you believe you fall into these categories …

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Free online apps during school closure

St Cuthberts Pupil Page Kids Classroom Secrets Phonics Play Numbots Times Table Rockstars Google SketchUp Top Marks Scratch Purple Mash Maths Whizz Spelling Shed Google Classroom Activity Village Literacy With The Littles Khan Academy Kids Go Noodle iPad App Classroom Cereal Indoor Activities

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As you will be aware, schools across England will be closing on Friday for the foreseeable future to all but the children of key workers. We are waiting for a definitive list of these key workers but it would be helpful if you could contact school if you work in the following sectors AND WOULD SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO SCHOOL. …

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Deep Clean Certification

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Tuesday Challenge Submissions

Here are your challenge submissions so far today. Keep them coming and check back here later for more updates!  

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Whole School Tuesday Challenge

We’re so sorry that we won’t be seeing you all on Tuesday morning and we know lots of you will be looking forward to seeing your friends so we would like to set you a challenge that you will be able to share on our website.  At our school, being healthy and active every day is really important. In fact, …

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Using Google Classroom

Mrs Parlett has created 3 instructional videos explaining how we use google classroom in school and how your child can access this from home: Accessing Google Classroom via computer: Accessing Google Classroom via mobile devices: Using Google Classroom: Mr Graham is always available for technical help via email too:

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A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…

… or does it? Year 6 spent a morning at Beamish working alongside Chemists who informed us of many weird and not so wonderful remedies they used to cure patients of many different ailments – ask our year 6’s about the metal ball-bearing. Year 6 had to made a suitable heartburn medicine for a patient, by mixing their stomach acid …

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World Book Day

Year 6 had great fun on World Book Day working alongside author Adam Bushnell and dressing as something from a poem. Year 6 worked with Adam to look at Lewis Carroll’s “The Jabberwocky” and re-wrote their own versions, in his style, using nonsense words throughout – it’s harder than it looks!  

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Y4 World Book Day

Y4 had a wonderful time on World Book Day. We worked with the author Adam Bushnell to create our own poems based on an extract from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. We also wrote some spells to turn us into different animals and had to guess the animal it would turn us into. We shared our work with the class and in groups. …

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Year 5 World Book Day

Some amazing creations and costumes in Year 5. Staff were all so impressed with the creativity of our families and pupils. From much loved Harry Potter characters, to graphic novels such as Spiderman. From traditional nursery rhymes, to fully written out poems, to poems written themselves. From books about football to Shakespeare, classics such as the Worst Witch, Street Child …

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World Book Day

Reception Class have really enjoyed their World Book Day activities. They were lucky enough to work with Adam the author where they made a story plan based on “Incy Wincy Spider. They dressed up in their favourite character costume and visited the library to choose a book to take home. Looking at books has been lots of fun. .   …

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