
Article of the Week – Article 7

This is week’s right is about your right to have a name. Our name identifies us from other people and although some people have the same name, the name you have is yours and no one has the right to take that from you. We are also given middle names which are unique to us and a family name known …

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Reading Plus Leaderboard Results

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Where are all our friends in Reception Class?

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Durham Music Service YouTube

Durham Music Service are thrilled to launch a brand new YouTube channel to support remote Music learning for at home and at school. There will be a new video every day!

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Home learning Science tasks

This week’s tasks are linked to our weekly right – article 12. Article 12 is the right to an opinion and this week’s task is focusing on our ability to give reasons (what we think and why) based on our scientific understanding. Which one do you think is the odd one out in the categories of pictures I have shared …

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Article of the Week – Article 12

This is week’s right about your right as a child to have an opinion, to say what you think providing it does not hurt others. In this current situation we are facing, it is important you share your thoughts and feelings with other people and you have the right to an opinion about what is going on and how you …

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Reading Plus Challenge

Well done to the children who have accessed Reading Plus. Let’s challenge ourselves further. Year 3 have read a total of 35696 words. Can you reach 40000? Year 4 have read a total of 93505 words. Can you reach 100000? Year 5 have read a total of 74279 words. Can you reach 80000? Year 6 have read a total of …

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Easter Term 2020

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Article of the Week – Article 24

In these uncertain times it is important to think about article 24 – health care. It is our NHS which is working tirelessly to  save lives and we are doing our bit by staying home, washing our hands and social distancing if we need to go out in public.   A reminder of what article 24 means: Time to think: …

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Home Learning Update


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A huge thank you from the NHS

Would just like to say a huge thank you to St Cuthberts Primary School for their fab pictures. They look fab with our rainbow at the Niall Quinn children’s outpatients department. 

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Easter Activities

Our lovely staff have been in a group chat and put together lots of activities for you to try over the holidays. Click on the links under each category below to access them.  The Home Learning page and google classroom will be back after Easter. Enjoy your break! Making Paper Beads Flip The Picture 3 Awesome Experiments Kahoot Quizzes 10 …

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Dear Children

Dear Children, How are you all? Believe it or not we should be starting our Easter holidays today!   It feels so long since we saw you so we thought we would write to let you know a few things. Firstly, we miss you all very much! School is very quiet and all of the teachers and teaching assistants feel …

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Home Learning This Week

Lots of photos sent in this week thank you.  

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Safeguarding Guidance: CODID-19

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WHAT’S IN THE NEWS? Hello everyone! Each Wednesday in school the children and I enjoy our ‘What’s in the News’ assembly.  The lovely people at Picture News know how much you like them, so they have started releasing their online assemblies.  I would love it if you could leave some comments below, just like you do on your noticeboards at school. – …

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26.03.2020 Communications regarding Key Workers for schools to share with parents: Dear Parents, As the situation with coronavirus continues to develop we are asking you to carefully consider whether or not your child needs to be in school. We appreciate that the central government guidance around what constitutes a key worker is quite broad, however we would like to remind …

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Year 1 and 2 Google Classroom

Good morning Year 1 and 2 parents. Thank you to those of you who have been sending photos and staying in touch. We have set up a Google Classroom area for our Year 1 and 2 classes where you can share photos and work more securely.  The passwords will be sent out to you via text message. Work will continue …

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Parents Guide to Cyber Safety

With schools now being officially shut because of the COVID-19 outbreak, it is likely that there will be an increase of internet use for families and children over the coming weeks. With that in mind, here are some great tips for parents on setting up the right controls and privacy settings to ensure their child stays safe online. You can …

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Home Learning This Week

Thank you to everyone who sent in photos.

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