
Outdoor English

Year 6 had great fun this week learning about prepositions outdoors. Can you guess the preposition they were using based on where their objects have been placed?  

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Homelessness explored

Last week our theme for our weekly “what’s in the news?” was homelessness. Year 6, led by our Rights Respecting Ambassadors saw this as an important theme as it links to article 27 – “every child has the right to a standard of living that meets their physical, social and mental needs. The Government must support families who struggle to …

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Article of the Week

This week’s article is article 38. This article is about how Governments must not allow children under the age of 15 to take part in war or join the armed forces. It is their job to ensure they protect and care for children affected by war. We have learnt through our house group sessions about refugees and their struggles. This …

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Number of the week

This week our number is 10. We chose this number because most of the children in year 6 are 10 years old. Take a look at what we have recognised about the number 6 so far this week. We will continue to add to it.

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Word of the Week

Our Word Of the Week is “portmanteau.” It was chosen by Florence from a book she was reading – Alice through the looking glass. We have found findings synonyms and antonyms for this word tricky however we did learn that Lewis Carroll enjoyed using portmanteaus in his writing. Portmanteau are formed by blending the sounds of words and combining the …

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Year 4 – Getting Familiar with Google Classroom

Year 4 have spent time familiarizing themselves with Google Classroom and all of the online apps Google has to offer. Lucky for us, we are a ‘Google for Education’ school and have these amazing chromebooks to use everyday.  Year 4 can: Login to their own Google (school) account. Load Google Classroom to access work set by Mrs Fitzpatrick, Mrs Eadsforth …

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Mental Health & Emotional Support

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Starting School

We have been so impressed with our new Reception Class. They started school on Monday looking so smart in their school uniforms. They have settled so well into our class routines and have especially enjoyed our morning wake up shake up sessions. They have stayed for their first school dinner, made new friends with Year 1 who are in our …

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*SAFETY UPDATE* Thank you to all visitors to school over the past 3 weeks for your positive response to the new measures we have in place at drop off and pick up times. Collection time in particular has been tricky with lots of queues but you have all been very patient and understanding. As we move into tighter restrictions across …

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Week 3

Well done Year 1 on another fantastic week! We have working on in subtraction skills in maths this week and came up with our own first, next and now number stories. We have been looking at The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister too and acted out a retelling of the story. Great work Year 1!  

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Week 2

Well done Year 1 on your first full week back! You have all settled in so well and have produced some lovely work. We have been focusing on number work to 20 and have loved reading Commotion in the Ocean, learning about weird and wonderful sea creatures, rhyming words and adjectives.

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Week 2

Our first full week back has been a huge success. I am so proud of how the children are working so hard. They really are a credit to the school. This week in maths we have been doing lots of work based on 1,000’s, 1,00’s, 10’s and 1’s. The children have really enjoyed the practical work this week and have …

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Welcome to St Cuthbert’s

I am so proud of our new starters who have been visiting their new school for some Stay and Play sessions. Even though some of them have felt a little bit nervous they have settled so well. It has been lovely to see them making new friends and investigating their new indoor and outdoor classrooms with big smiles on their …

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Year 5’s new story chair

We have a magical new reading corner in our classroom and we all enjoyed trying it out today! Mrs Parlett and Mrs Donnelly can’t wait to read magical stories to the whole class.

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Year 2 The Colour Monster

We have been enjoying the story of The Colour Monster. Today we have enjoyed making some feeling jar collages and feelings wheels. We then spent some time with our friends talking about our feelings using all of the different colour monsters from the story.  

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Year 2 Cloud Watching

For today’s mindfulness activity, we enjoyed cloud watching. We went outside, felt the air on our faces with our eyes closed and then watched the clouds. We saw mermaids, turtles, dogs, rabbits, love hearts, bears any many other things.          

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The Lost Words

We are reading the book of poetry, The Lost Words in class. We learned today that language about nature is disappearing because we don’t speak it as much. We wondered what ‘lost words’ we could find in our school grounds. We used a plant identification app and discovered sycamores, willows, an acer, elders, silver birches, brambles, raspberries, hawthornes, rowans and …

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Article of the Week – Article 42

This week’s article is article 42, the right to know your rights. Can you think of the different ways we ensure you know your rights in school? Why do you think it is important to know your rights? A reminder of what Article 42 means: Time to think: Rights Respecting Tasks you can carry out at home: Videos to support …

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Number of the Week

As we are starting our new school year in year 6, what better number to choose than 6. We were all surprised how a simple number could have so much about it. Take a look at what we have recognised about the number 6 so far this week. We will continue to add to it.

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