

Year 6 showed some amazing talent when taking part in a session with hoopstars!  

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Year 3 – Advent Liturgy

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Reception Nativity

It is always a challenge to produce a Reception Class Nativity with 30 excited 4 and 5 year olds at Christmas time! Due to restrictions this year it has been an even bigger challenge. However we are so proud and impressed with our Reception Class. They have worked so hard learning songs and dances and their behaviour has been fantastic …

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Advent Liturgy – First Sunday of Advent led by Y5

While we are unable to invite you into school to join us for weekly liturgies, we will be recording weekly Advent liturgies. Please join Year 5 in celebrating the first Sunday of Advent.

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Three Little Pigs

This week in Reception Class we have been looking at the story of the, Three Little Pigs. Our outdoor challenge this week was to make a safe home for one of the pigs. Lots of the children decided to use leaves but then realised they would blow away in the wind so they had to adapt their ideas. I think …

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Year 3 Maths

This week we have been busy learning more about arrays and multiplication. We had lots of fun making arrays usings dienes, counters and cubes. At first the children thought it was a bit tricky but as the week went on they were amazing and were over the moon when they could work independently. Well done Year 3. Great work xx

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Year 3 Dance

As part of our PE this term, Year 3 are creating their own dance. The theme is Round the Clock and the music we are dancing to is by Coldplay. We are working together to create ‘clock’ movements and also thinking about activities we do at different times of the day and incorporating them into our dance. Watch out for …

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Clay Art

We have been reading The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith this half term. As part of our art we made our own clay hedgehogs. Everyone really enjoyed this activity and worked hard to make their hedgehogs as life like as possible.

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Year 2 Addition

Today in maths we were addition superstars, adding two digit numbers using dienes. We enjoyed working practically and all worked super hard!  

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Year 2 Reader of the Week

This week’s star reader in Year 2 is Elliott. Elliott tries so hard with his reading both at home and and school. Well done Elliott, we are so proud of you!  

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Rights Respecting Questionnaire

In school we have recently completed our annual Rights Respecting Questionnaires. As a whole, we as duty bearers are going to find more opportunities to help children share their knowledge and understanding of the convention with other adults and children in school as well as their parents as sharing rights with their wider family at present is not an option …

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Y5 Reading Plus Update

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Reading Plus Update

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Year 5 – Materials

Year 5 are enjoying their very practical topic on materials. Mrs Parlett had spilt glitter in the salt. We had to work out how we could get them separated. Can you see what we did?

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What a busy Week

We have been very busy this week in Reception Class. We have been taking part in Anti -Bullying week where we have come to school in odd socks to show we are all different and that is fine. We also made a huge heart full of our hand prints to show together we can stop bullying. We have also taken …

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Y2 Phonics Fun

We had a lovely time today practising our phonics by playing lots of games. It was fun making our own nonsense words!  

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Y2 Reader of the Week

This week’s reader of the week is Sam. Sam is making super progress with his reading and is always such a pleasure to listen to. Well done Sam, we are very proud of you.  

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Anti-Bullying Week 2020

This week was Anti-Bullying week. The theme this year was United Against Bullying. Please take a look on how we became united during the week. DISCLAIMER: No bubbles were burst in our pursuit to unite against bullying 🙂

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Year 5 Dance

Year 5 have begun to learn a Bollywood style dance. This week we created group tableaus thinking about hand gestures and symmetry. We added them on to our whole class sequence.

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Year 5 History

We thought about the things we would find in an Anglo Saxon village and worked in teams to make strong structures using triangle supports and slots to secure the card. A lovely (if slightly messy) afternoon! Great to see our home learners who are isolating also joining in.  

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