
Y6 Trip Day 3 – Paddle boarding, Kayaking and Swimming

Working with Chris and Matthew from Adventure Access at the Marina was amazing. They showed us how to kayak and paddle board before playing games with us in the sea and letting us swim. It was great fun trying these new sports and swimming was good, even if the sea was very cold! We are very lucky to have these …

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Y6 Trip Day 3 – Beach Studies

We worked with the wonderful Hannah from Playology Beach School to explore rock pools and make shelters before sitting back, enjoying our beautiful scenery and roasting marshmallows. Big thank you to Nicey Icey at the Marina for the ice-creams. It would not be a visit to the beach without one!

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Y6 Trip Day 2 – Riverside Studies

We enjoy a walk in the sunshine to learn more about the river and wildlife. We tested the water using litmus paper and created colour palettes using natural resources.  

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Y6 Trip Day 2 – Canoeing

Adventure Access met our year 6 pupils at Durham Riverside at the rowing club, kitted us up and put us out onto the river. It was great fun, playing games along the way like “fruit salad” which involved swapping seats with others in a different canoe. We even went for a little dip in the river to cool down!

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Y6 Trip Day 1 – Axe Throwing

Axe Throwing! Something very different. After channelling our inner Viking, we aimed at the target but it was tricky to make the MooseHawk Axe stick to the target, but some of us managed. Well done to Devon, Aron, Leo, Elyse, Jamie and Aron who managed to get their axe to stay in the target board!

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Y6 Trip Day 1 – Archery

We really enjoyed trying our hand at archery. It was harder than it looked to reach the target but with some perseverance we got there in the end!

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Y6 Trip Day 1 – Bushcraft

Our year 6 children would give Bear Grylls and Ray Mears a run for their money with their ability to build suitable shelters and creating their own fires – with the added incentive of roasting marshmallows once they had succeeded. A great start to our day 🙂  

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Water safety Day

Reception Class enjoyed learning how they could stay safe near water. The day started with a zoom assembly from the RNLI and then they took part in lots of different water activities. They made a water safety jigsaw to take home. They explored what they had to do if they needed to float in water and practised making that shape. …

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Key Steps Stars – Gymnastics

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Year 3 are learning  to use the bow during violin lessons. Mrs Sellers and I are so impressed with how hard the children are trying. It’s quite tricky, however I think we’ve definitely got some budding violinists. Well done Year 3!  

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The Ancient Egyptians

A huge well done to Year 3 for fantastic some Ancient Egyptian homework. I am so proud of the standard of work brought in.  Doesn’t our display look amazing? A big thank you to the grown ups for helping too. Well done.    

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Proud of our Year 6 children

This week would have been our “sats week.” The children still carried out some assessments have performed brilliantly. Their attitude to learning and their effort can not be faulted and we wanted to show them how proud we all. Well done Year 6. Keep up the hard work and make the most of your final term at St.Cuthbert’s 🙂  

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Growing our own vegetables

A few weeks ago we listened to the story of, ” Oliver and his Vegetables ” and, “Jack and the Beanstalk”. We decided to try and grow some of our own vegetables and our own bean stalks to see if they would grow as tall as Jack’s beanstalk. Over the last few weeks we have been watering the seeds and …

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Fruit Kebabs

This week we read the book about Oliver’s Fruit Salad which was all about a little boy who thought he didn’t like fruit. Our challenge was to design our own fruit kebab. We could choose up to three fruits and the fruits had to be arranged in a repeated pattern. Once we created our design we had to follow the …

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Year 6 Dance


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Reception Class were really excited when the eggs arrived in school on Monday. They couldn’t wait to finally meet the chicks that hatched out over the week.  

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Blast off!

Reception Class had lots of fun as they came to the end of their space topic. They were set a challenge of making a pet mouse to send up to space to keep their alien company.They were given a selection of plastic bottles so they could find out which bottle made the mouse go the highest up in the air …

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Articles of the Week – Elimination of Racial Discrimination

21st March marked the international elimination of racial discrimination day. This week in your classes you will be exploring these rights in more detail. Remember your classroom is a safe space to ask questions and your adults, as duty bearers, will help you answer. A reminder of what Articles 2, 12 and 30 mean:   Time to think:   Rights …

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Friday 26th March – Special Easter Menu

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Multi skills mayhem!

Reception Class had lots of fun this week working with coach John and Mr Harding. They took part in a multi skills mayhem challenge where they had to move around the different stations and demonstrate skills in running, jumping and catching. We were all very impressed with the skills we saw.

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