
Learning Library

Check out this information from The Learning Library.  

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Year 2 – Maths is fun

We had our first ‘Maths is fun’ session this week and our focus was 2d shapes. We had fun taking part in a carousel of activities.

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Football News

Our A Team were in action tonight for the first time this season. They played brilliantly and showed excellent sportsmanship and sporting values at all times. Excellent skill and teamwork saw them reach the final of the 7-A-Side Tournament. They were very worthy runners up but each received a well deserved medal and a fantastic trophy, hopefully the first of …

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Article of the week is back!

This week’s articles are article 12 & article 13. We are excited about these articles as it has been a long time since we have been able to meet together as groups without the restriction of “bubbles.” Article 12 – Respect for the Views of the Child Article 13 – Freedom of Expression. Last week in school, Pupil voice was …

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Year 5 Poetry

In our first English work this term, we have been thinking about poetry. We have enjoyed reading The Lost Words and have learned about metaphors and similes.  To help us prepare for a piece of poetry writing, we have been exploring our school grounds and looking for autumnal colours.  It’s been lovely to make the most of the warm weather, …

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Year 5 – This is Me!

We are thinking this half term about the things that make us unique – our talents and qualities. We’re thankful that God made us and loves us just exactly the way we are. We drew some zentangles then cut them up to make some unique pieces of art that shout out about the things that make us US!

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Whole School Assembly

How lovely to be all back together this week for whole school assemblies!

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Meeting our buddies

Reception Class were so excited to meet their buddies today. Our Year 6 buddies will help our Reception Class to settle into their new school.

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Healthy Snacks

Please see the information about healthy snacks for children.

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September 2021 Newsletter

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PE Days Autumn 2021

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Return To School Information September 2021

Return To School Information September 2021 When we return to school in September, many of the COVID restrictions we have been working under since March 2020 will be removed, however schools still need to bear in mind that local are restrictions may be put in place. The policies below have been updated in light of these changes and include daily …

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Y6 Send Off

Today, our Year 6 pupils left St. Cuthbert’s Primary School for the last time. We wish them well in the future and we know they will do themselves proud! Good luck Year 6! Click here to see their send off

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Year 3 Violins – Durham Big Sing

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5

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Y5/6 Sports Day

After the serious athletics activities, we enjoyed some old school races. Watch our video here  

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Sports Day 2021

Today Reception Class were showing us what good athletes they were. They took part in an egg and spoon race, sack race, throwing the bean bag and jumping as far as they could. They then used the running track to show how fast they could run. I was so impressed to see how everyone tried their best. Well done Reception …

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Pirates Day

Reception Class looked a little bit different when they came into school today. They were dressed as pirates! They had to practise their skills to become pirates .

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Y6 leavers. Look how they have grown!

Click here to view video

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Digging up our potatoes

This week it was time to dig up the potatoes that we had planted in February. We then took our potatoes to Jan in the kitchen who is going to cook them for our dinner on Monday. We are really looking forward to Monday lunch time.

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It’s Coming Home!

Reception Class have enjoyed supporting England this week. They made flags and came into school dressed in red, white and blue. Let us hope they bring good luck to England for Sunday !

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