
Football News

Our A and B Teams had their final game of the season tonight. The B Team played first against a very strong St. Mary Magdalen side. Both teams showed great skill and determination and St. Mary’s opened the scoring just before half time. Although we had some great chances and played some great balls into the box, we just couldn’t …

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Tennis Festival

Today, Miss Scarr and Mrs Kharko took children from Year 3 and 4 to East Durham College to represent the school in a Tennis festival and tournament. Year 3 showcased the skills which they had been practising in their PE sessions with Coach John while Year 4 put their skills to the test in a tennis competition. The children worked …

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Y6 SATs Week

Our Y6 children have worked exceptionally hard this week to complete their SATs. We could not be more proud of each and every one of them. To end the week, we have enjoyed an ice lolly with our buddies and had some outside time. We were also presented with our leavers hoodies and look forward to wearing them for our …

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Mini Vinnies Coffee Morning

This term, our Mini Vinnies have been busy organising a Summer Food Bank Appeal. They are asking for donations of food and essentials such as; toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, shower gel, etc. They are making a special appeal for sun cream as the weather is getting warmer. Also, they are holding a coffee morning after Mass on Monday morning (20th May) …

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Stars Of St. Cuthbert’s

Well done to our latest Stars of the Week. A special mention to the whole of Year 6 who received a class certificate for their hard work and excellent attitudes ahead of SATs next week.

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Bishop Stephen’s Visitation

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Gymnastics Showcase

Today, children from KS1 and KS2 performed their gymnastics routines to Miss Scarr and Becky from Easington Sports Partnership. Becky scored each child on the ability to perform, remember and deliver the routine to the best of their ability. The children had a wonderful morning showcasing their gymnastic talents and look forward to learning their new routines as they move …

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Football News

Our football teams have played twice this week. On Monday, we played against Seaham Trinity Primary School. The B Team played really well and demonstrated excellent communication, teamwork and sporting values. The score finished 3-0 to Seaham Trinity but the boys played a brilliant game. Player of the Match was Vinne for his hard work. The A Team played very …

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Year 6 Sporting Event

Last Friday, three year 6 children were invited to a ‘Festival of Fun’ run by Easington School Sports Partnership. The children moved around a carousel of activities which included: soft archery, seated volleyball and new age kurling. A huge well done to the boys for representing our school and showing excellent sportsmanship and teamwork.

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Year 3 Skipping School

On Monday, Year 3 had a wonderful skipping session with Gail from Skipping school. They built on existing skills from Year 2, learnt new skills and even doubled up with a partner. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and can’t wait to continue practising on the yard.

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St. Cuthbert’s Stars

Well done to our latest stars of the week. Children received awards for hard work, showing respect, demonstrating talents and producing lovely work. There was also awards from our Times Table Rock Stars day yesterday. Children worked really hard to be victorious in the Battle Of The Bands times tables competition and some children in each class were recognised for …

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Reception Class Bug Hotel

This morning, Reception class had a visit from Des and Alison from Greenscape. We made some bug hotels for our Reception garden so that our mini beast friends have somewhere nice to sleep. We used bamboo and pine cones and we all had a go with the hammer to pin the net on. Afterwards, we all planted our own sunflower …

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Year 1 Outdoor Adventure Challenge

Year 1 had lots of fun on Friday morning with Kev and Heather. We listened to the Secret Garden story and had to complete lots of tasks to gain flowers. We made our very own team name and built our own team gardens. We all had a lovely morning working as a team.

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Y3 Computing

Year 3 have been using Microbits to make some code and program their devices to follow instructions. Today, we made step counters. We used our knowledge of the microbits program to create code to make our microbits count our steps everytime we moved them. We had to debug the program when things didn’t work and try other ideas. We will …

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Gardening Club

We’ve had a great start to gardening club with Peter and some of our seeds are already growing. We have enjoyed planting potatoes, French beans, leeks, basil, lettuce and spring onions. We even planted sunflowers to take home. This week we have also began filling our own compost bin.

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Football News

Both of our football teams played against Westlea Primary School tonight. The A team match was a very close game. Karim saved a penalty but later in the half, Westlea scored and then defended very well. Our boys worked brilliantly in the second half and Evan managed to score twice to make the final score 2-1 to St. Cuthbert’s. Oliver …

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Working with an author

We were lucky today when Adam Bushnell an author came to work with us. He showed us how we could plan an exciting Egyptian story. We started by creating an Egyptian monster who was made up of different animals. Adam used some of our ideas to show us how to draw our creatures. It was then our turn to draw …

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Adventure Challenge Day

Today Kev and Heather came to visit us in school. Kev had received a worrying  message from our Sergeant Major telling us that he had been captured and we needed to complete some challenges in order for him to be released. We had lots of different tasks. We had to work together as a team and rewards were given for …

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Year 2 Food Technology

Super Sandwiches A big well done to Year 2 for their chopping, grating, spreading and sprinkling skills this afternoon. We made a DELIcious range of sandwiches from wraps to pitta pockets to hearty doorstops. We hope families enjoy their taste testing tonight!

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Year 2 Barbara Hepworth Sculptures

We have enjoyed making a range of sculptures in Year 2 and learning about different artists. We thought about the work of Barbara Hepworth and how the spaces in her work encourage us to look through at the space behind and around. We made pieces out of salt dough using different tools for patterns and spaces and then glued them …

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