
Year 2 – More Scuptures

Today, we have been exploring sculptures with ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ spaces. We looked at sculptures by the sculptor Barbara Hepworth. We then used clay to sculpt our own sculptures with inside and outside spaces. We can’t wait to paint them next week!

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KS2 Violin and Guitar Concert

Well done to our KS2 violinists and guitarists. What a lovely performance from you all. It was great to welcome our parents back into school too. Year 3 have come to the end of our First Access to violins and they were absolutely amazing. They now have the opportunity to continue their learning with Mrs Sellers in Year 4, 5 …

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Pirate Day

    Reception Class had lots of fun in school when they came dressed as a pirate. They had to complete lots of different challenges including walking the plank! I think the children enjoyed eating their party tea the most!

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Outdoor Play & Learning

Outdoor Play & Learning Our new outdoor equipment has been set up and brought out to play with this week. We have an assault net, lots of den building. our amazing mud kitchen, water painting, crate stacking and cars to play with as well as our hula hoops and some summer tunes to dance to. We’ve all had a great …

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Year 2 – Kinetic Sculpture

We have been looking at different sculptors. Today, we looked at a sculptor called Alexander Calder. He used bright colours and simple shapes in his sculptures. Many of his sculptures are kinetic, meaning that they move. Today, we created hanging kinetic sculptures which are moved by the wind. We hung these in a tree near to our reading shed.  

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Year 1 and 6 Park Visit

We visited the park on Thursday, as an end of year celebration. The children had lots of fun with their friends.

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Teddy Bears Picnic

We have had a busy time in Reception class this week. In Maths we had to design a fruit kebab making sure it followed a repeated pattern. In Literacy, we had to listen and follow instructions to make a jam sandwich. On Friday we completed our week by bringing our favourite teddy into school. We then enjoyed a teddy bears …

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Year 3 Book Gift

We were kindly gifted a full class set of children’s story books by local author and Seaham based business woman, Paula Newman of Peblesrock Sea. We are most grateful to Paula and we are sure that our Year 3 children will enjoy reading these.    

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Caring for our environment

Today Jack from year 6 and Corbin from year 2 chose to spend their own time collecting litter from around the school grounds. Jack, who has been part of the Eco Council this year, is very passionate about caring for our common home and we are so proud of these 2 boys and their dedication not only to looking after …

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Y4 Coast Visit

Yesterday, Y4 visited Seaham beach to study the effects of erosion for their geography topic of Coasts. We looked at the erosion of the cliff faces and conducted an experiment by rubbing sandstone against rocks and seeing the erosion happen. Although the weather wasn’t kind to us, we still enjoyed an ice cream and a visit to the park on …

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Year 2 Drama – Where the Wild Things Are

We have had a lovely time this morning in Year 2 taking part in some drama linked to our class text, ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. In groups, we were given different illustration from the story each depicting Max at different points. We then created a short role-play of the scene, with one child being Max and the other children …

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Faith in Action Award

Year 6 have been working all year towards their faith in action award. This award encourages the children to experience their faith and reflect carefully throughout. They created some great online prayer journals outlining how they were experiencing their faith, how it brought them closer to God and how they acted moving forward. They explored themes like God’s love and …

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Our Beach Trip

Reception Class had lots of fun when we went to the beach to take part in some Playology challenges. We travelled on a bus to the harbour. Once we arrived we met Hannah who set us lots of different challenges. We also got a lovely surprise when we saw a seal on the beach. We weren’t allowed to go too …

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Year 1 Science

Today Year 1 visited the allotment to look at the different parts of plants. We talked about the things that plants need to grow. We looked at the different plants that we could see and watered them. We have talked about wild plants and garden plants and made our own wild flower bracelet. We then had a very special visitor …

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Queen Elizabeth

Our children have all been gifted a beautiful book today to mark the celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

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Cricket Champions!

Cricket Champions! A big well done to our A and B teams in cricket today. They represented school brilliantly at Seaham Park today and A team were overall winners. Thank you so much to the Sports Partnership staff for organising another great event, to Miss Scarr for taking our teams and to the families who came along to support us.

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June 2022 Newsletter

June 2022 Newsletter

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Year 2 Fantasy Settings

We have been reading ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ in Year two. As part of our English lesson last week, we created our own fantasy settings using lots of different craft materials. Today, we have enjoyed sharing our settings with our friends and thinking of some good nouns phrases to describe them. Mrs. Wilkinson can’t wait to read our descriptions …

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B Team Football

Our B Team finished second in their league this year! We have had an excellent season and really enjoyed the league matches and tournaments. Tonight, after a friendly exhibition match with the league winners, the team collected their well deserved individual trophies and the League Runners Up trophy to keep in school. Well done boys. You have done yourselves and …

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Primary Youth Festival

Year 6 had an amazing day at the Primary Youth Festival ran by the amazing staff at the YMT. We sung, danced, laughed, shook our pom-poms all before reflecting more carefully on this years theme of “stepping into the unknown.” We all took part in a liturgy at the end of the day and Oscar and Lydia (our head boy …

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