
Year 1 Toys

In our History topic, we have been learning about toys from the past. We brought our favourite toy in from home and talked about it. We have also looked at toys from the past and looked closely at the toy’s material to decide whether we think it is a modern or an old toy.

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Thank you buddies

Our Year 6 buddies have really helped our Reception Class to settle into their new school. They have looked after us at playtimes and produced a lovely assembly for our grown ups to show them some of the fun things we have to look forward to during our time at St Cuthberts. Thank you buddies you have been great!

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Welcome Reception Class

We are so proud of our new Reception Class and how they have settled into their new school so well. Over their first few weeks they have been very busy. They have really enjoyed their indoor and outdoor classrooms and have made so many new friends.

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Our Whole School Mass

It was lovely to gather together with friends, family, parishioners, Father Marc and Deacon Peter to mark the start of our new school year. Zara in Reception class brought forward a Crucifix representing the prayer life of the school. Isabelle in Y1 class took forward a Bible and placed it on the altar representing listening to the word of the …

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Year 6 buddy assembly

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Stars of the Week

Well done to our stars this week! It was wonderful to celebrate your achievements  in this week’s assembly!

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Year 5 Tag Rugby

Year 5 Tag Rugby Year 5 are enjoying their Wednesday afternoon Tag Rugby sessions with John Appleby. Some great passing and tagging happening so far! If any of your children are interested, then there are some great rugby clubs in our area that welcome new members. Article 15: We have the right to join groups Article 29: Education …

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Art Club: Tribute to HRH Queen Elizabeth II

Thank You, Your Majesty: Art Club Tribute to HRH Queen Elizabeth II Our Year 5 and 6 art club spent their first session creating some stunning portraits of our late queen to display in our entrance way along with some of the prayers of our children. Article 15: We have the right to join groups Article 29: Education should develop …

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Football News

Our A Team have made a fantastic start to the season by being runners up in the 7-A-Side tournament. They played against two other teams and won the group stage. Unfortunately, they were beaten in the final but they played brilliantly throughout. Well done boys!

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Stars of St. Cuthbert’s

Well done to our latest Stars of St. Cuthbert’s. Children form KS1 and KS2 were presented with certificates and the whole of Reception class were given a special award for settling into school so well.

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Story telling in Year 1

This week the Giant has been to visit our classroom and has left us lots of giant things. We have listened to the story Jack and the Beanstalk and have retold the story in lots of different ways. We really enjoyed watching each other retell the story.

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Year 2 – RE

We have just began our new RE topic all about beginnings. We read Starting School by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. We then talked about the new starts that we have had in our lives so far. We discussed how people feel when they are about to begin something new and identified feelings about beginnings. We then wrote on a leaf …

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Year 1’s last day – saying goodbye to Benjamin

Year 1 had a lovely end to the school year. We said our goodbyes to Benjamin and wished him the very best of luck in his new school. I hope all the children and adults have a fantastic summer!

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House Points Winners

House Point Winners – George House Group! Well done to George House Group who earned the most points overall for their amazing behaviour around school this half term. As it was such a hot day on Tuesday, we decided to have some fun in the shade and cool down!  

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School Meals

Please see the information about school meals and pack lunches for September.

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Holiday Activities

Please click the link for information on holiday activities for children with special educational needs and disabilities. There are lots of opportunities available in the local community. Summer holiday short break opportunities

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Gymnastics After School Club

This half term, Reception and Year 1 enjoyed a gymnastics after school club. The learnt many skills including; forward rolls, teddy bear rolls, cartwheels, jumps and balances. They all had a fantastic time and will use their new skills to develop their Key Steps routines.

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Latest Newsletter

Please click the link to see the latest edition of our school newsletter. June 2 Newsletter

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Dance Club Year 2 and 3

At Dance Club the Years 2 and 3 have been working very hard the past few weeks learning a dance routine to the song Feeling Hot Hot Hot. They’ve had fun getting dressed up in the grass skirts, hats and flower garlands getting ready for the summer. I am so proud of you all and the dedication you have had …

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Making smoothies with Year 1

Year 1 sent a letter to Handa, asking her for some fruit. She sent us bananas, oranges and apples and we made a smoothie with these. We loved tasting the smoothie and eating some of the left over fruit.

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