
Our Nativity

We were all so proud of our Reception Class today. Despite all of the many illnesses they managed to all be in school today to perform their Nativity play for their grown ups in church. They spoke with confidence and sang and danced with lots of enthusiasm. Well done Reception Class.

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Our first Christmas Dinner

Thank you to Jan, Clare and Maureen who made and served us a very tasty dinner today. It was a special dinner because it was our very first Christmas dinner in school.  

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Year 1 Santa Dash and Christmas Dinner

We have had a lovely 2 days in Year 1. We had a great time with Candy Cane and his elves from Easington School Sports Partnership and today we really enjoyed having our Christmas dinner.

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Year 3 Santa Dash

We had a lovely time keeping active with Mr Candy Cane, Miss Elf and their helpers. Thank you to Easington School Sports Partnership for organising such a fun event.

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Year 4 Festive Run!

We had a brilliant time keeping active with Candy Cane and his elves from the Easington School Sports Partnership!  Thank you to the staff and fantastic sports leaders from Seaham High School who came to make sure we all had lots of fun!

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Santa Dash

Reception Class really enjoyed their Santa dash today. A special big thank you to Mr Candy Cane, Miss Elf and your helpers for making it so much fun.    

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Year 2 Festive Run

We had a lovely time this afternoon keeping active with our fabulous Easington School Sports Partnership and some amazing sports leaders from Seaham High School. It was full of  laughter and lots of snow!  

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Year 6 Festive Run!

We had a brilliant time keeping active with Candy Cane and his elves from the Easington School Sports Partnership!  Thank you to the staff and fantastic sports leaders from Seaham High School who came to make sure we all had lots of fun!         

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Year 5 Festive Run!

We had a brilliant time keeping active with Candy Cane and his elves from the Easington School Sports Partnership!  Thank you to the staff and fantastic sports leaders from Seaham High School who came to make sure we all had lots of fun!

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St. Cuthbert’s Stars

Congratulations to our Stars Of The Week. We love to celebrate the hard work and achievement of the children. Our Readers Of The Week also received certificates for progress and enthusiasm in reading. Well done to everyone.

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Year 1 Advent Wreaths

Last week Year 1 made their own Advent Wreaths. We talked about how the Advent Wreath helps us wait for Christmas. We also talked about the candles representing the 4 weeks of waiting during Advent and how each week we light another candle until Christmas.

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“I’ll huff and I’ll puff and blow your house down”!

We have been looking at the story of ,”The Three Pigs”. We looked carefully at the materials they used to make their houses, straw, sticks and bricks and discussed their properties. We then chose what to use to make our own house for the pig. Some of us used sticks and some used bricks(lego). Mrs groark brought in her wolf …

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Come & Join Our Friends Group!

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Darwin’s Finch Theory

Year 6 had fun this week exploring Charles Darwin’s Finch Theory. They used different instruments which represented the Finches beaks and different size items which represented the types of food available on the Galapagos Islands. They had 20 seconds to see how many of each item they could get with their beaks to then compare which foods are best suited …

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Advent travelling cribs

This Advent, our travelling cribs will be available for children to take home and share with their families. Inside includes a leaflet about celebrating Advent, a copy of the Nativity story, a model Nativity scene to set up in your own home and a class book so something can be added about your experience of Advent. This will be available …

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Advent Service 3

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KS1 Science Club – final week

It was wonderful to see so many young scientists take part in this half terms science club. We ended our club recapping our learning, talking about our favourite parts and giving feedback for what they would like to learn next time. Then we explored some already famous scientists and began looking at how scientists are portrayed in books and on …

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St. Cuthbert’s Stars

Well done to all of our Stars this week. Lots of great reasons to get certificates including; working independently, resilience and being an excellent role model.   A special mention too for our Readers Of The Week. Well done to you all for reading more and promoting the joy of reading to others.

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Youth Ministry – Advent

Some of our Y6 children at St Cuthbert’s talked to Fr Marc Lyden Smith and the Youth Ministry Team about waiting during advent to help prepare the Wait a Minute reflection for the second Monday of advent.  Well done to our thoughtful and reverent pupils for reminding us of the importance of preparing ourselves during this advent season.

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Christmas Decorations

In our last story session Mrs Groark read us a story called, “The Gift of Christmas ” by Gaby Hansen. The woodland creatures were looking for Christmas decorations to put on their tree. We the made our own decoration. Some of us even turned them into sparkly crowns.

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