
Year 1 Stick Man

In English we have been reading lots of Julia Donaldson books. This week we have been reading Stick Man, so we went outside to build our very own. We placed our stick men in a new home and used adjectives to describe where he was living. We had lots of brilliant adjectives and we can’t wait to use these in …

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Year 2 Spelling Shed

In this week’s spelling lesson, we have practised this week’s spelling rule and our common exception words using Spelling Shed. Remember we all have access to this at home using the login details in the front of our reading log.

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We All Fit Together

We have been learning about Unity and Diversity as part of our work in RE.  We are all different but we fit together to make one amazing class! Have a go at our class jigsaw below by clicking the photo. 12PHOTO-2022-10-10-19-15-54 6 Pope Francis has asked all Christians to recognise that we are ‘brothers and sisters all’ – this is …

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Accessing Google Classroom at home

Accessing Google Classroom at home We have had some families unsure about how to access Google Classroom at home. Please see the following guide for accessing from a laptop / computer. Google Classroom is also available to download as an app on Apple and Android tablets and phones.  

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Year 4 Home Learning – 1st February 2023

Year 4 Home Learning – 1st February 2023 Children can access and turn in homework using Google Classroom. The instructions for accessing this at home are at the bottom of this page. There is a video link below for maths to alongside a worksheet on Roman Numerals. In English, there is a book review for children to complete. Please also …

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Year 2 Liturgical Prayer

This week, orange group planned our class liturgical prayer with Aaron, one of our class prayer leaders. Mrs Wilkinson chose this week’s scripture from Romans  12:9-13; How Christians should act. The children worked well to plan how we would gather, a response to this week’s scripture and also a mission. Whilst this week’s group were planning, the other children developed …

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Year 1 Computing

Year 1 have been improving their mouse skills in computing this week. We looked at Wassily Kandinsky’s art work and created our own artwork using 2paint on Purple Mash. We found it tricky at first, but we had lots of fun and definitely improved our mouse skills.

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Stars Of The Week

Our latest Stars Of The Week were awarded their certificates this morning. Well done to all who received a certificate or who earned House Group Points this week . Our Readers Of The Week were also awarded a certificate and a badge or a pencil for lots of reasons including; showing good reading skills, sharing information they have read and …

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Y2 Money, Money, Money!

Year 2 have been working with money this week in maths. We have enjoyed using the coins to make different amounts and to count amounts. In our PSHE lessons, we have been learning about why we have money, where money comes from and what we spend money on.

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Chinese New Year

Reception Class are celebrating Chinese New Year this week. We started out making a vegetable Chinese stir fry. We all had a go at chopping our vegetables into smaller pieces. We compared the noodles before and after we cooked them and then we had lots of fun trying out our Chinese food.

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Y5 Science

This week, Year 5 were looking at forces in their new science topic. We used Newton Metres to measure the weight of objects in Newtons (N) and compared it to the mass of the objects in kilograms (kg). After recording the results, we analysed  the data and looked for any relationships between the readings.  

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St Cuthbert’s Stars

Well done to our latest Stars Of The Week. We love to celebrate all of the fantastic things our children do.

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Polar Bears came to visit

Some polar bears appeared in our class room last week. We tried to make them feel at home by making them some interesting ice lollies. We used objects around us to make them colourful. Once we added the water we left them outside over night. It was so cold the water turned to ice. Once we brought them inside the …

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Strike Information

Information about upcoming NEU strike action

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Chinese New Year School Lunch

Chinese New Year Lunch Jan and her team will be preparing a special Chinese New Year menu on Tuesday 24th January. If your child usually has packed lunch and you would like them to take part, please contact Mrs McGann in the school office.

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Our Castle Visit

Reception Class set off to Durham Castle in the snow this morning. They had lots of fun finding out what it would be like to live in a castle. We looked at the different parts of a castle and some of us dressed up as the King and the Prince Bishop. We got the chance to make our own castle …

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Stars Of The Week

Well done to all of our Stars of the Week. There has been lots of excellent work and good values to celebrate this week.   Also, a huge well done to our Readers of the Week who have shown enthusiasm and progress in their reading this week. Keep up the good work everyone.

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Year 2 Anthony Browne

One of our class books this half term is ‘The Tunnel’ by Anthony Browne. We enjoyed sharing  a selection of books written by the author Anthony Browne. He has written so many stories!

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Sad Announcement

Sad Announcement Dear parents/carers, It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that this morning, Mrs Teresa Eadsforth, a highly respected and much-loved member of our teaching staff has died this morning. She had become increasingly poorly over the last few days in hospital and in the end died peacefully, with her family at her side. The …

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Y5 Art

Y5 have been working on animal eyes in art. They tried lots of different techniques and created a final piece today using collage and oil pastels.

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