
Busy, Busy, School Council

The school Council have been extremely busy this afternoon looking at all of the ideas they gathered from the parent questionnaires. We looked at all of the suggestions and ranked them in order of what they, as children, could have an impact on. From this the children are going to choose one issue to tackle.

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This week in Year 2, we have began our thanksgiving topic in RE. We talked about what we give thanks for, how we give thanks and how this makes us feel and we made posters to share our thoughts. We also heard the story of The Last Supper from Luke’s Gospel. We role played the scripture we had heard and …

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Year 1 Meals

In our explore lesson in RE we have been talking about our experience of a special meal. We talked about a birthday party, Christmas and a Baptism celebration. We worked with our partner to share memories of a shared meal and discuss why it was special. We then had a Valentines class family snack together, where we served food and …

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Stars Of The Week

Well done to our latest Stars Of The Week who have been awarded for hard work, great behaviour and showing Gospel values.

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How do penguins feathers work?

In our science work this week we were looking at how penguin’s feathers work. We learnt that penguin’s feathers are waterproof because of the oil they produce.We had a penguin outline and used a wax crayon to produce a wax coating. We then dropped water onto the penguin. We found out that the water stayed on top of the coating …

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Year 3 RE – Listening and Sharing

Today we listened to the story of Stone Soup and thought about the importance of sharing. We thought about all the times we have shared with others. Following our discussion, we decided to make posters asking for donations to the local foodbank. We talked about how if every child brought in one item, we could collect a total of 206 …

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Y2 Instructions

This week in Year 2, we have have been learning about instructions. We followed a set of instructions to make a paper plate fish. We have been looking at the features of instructions and ordered a set of instructions for Mrs Dickinson to make us some yummy toast and jam. We are now busy writing a new recipe for George’s …

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Y2 Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day. We talked about what happens when we post online.  We learnt that information put online about someone can last a long time. We looked at different scenario cards and discussed whether the information was or was not safe to post online and why.  

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Y6 Faith In Action Award: Love

Our focus has been: ” We love because we are loved.” Our year 6 pupils who are taking part in the Faith in Action award have been exploring what it means to love one another and what it means to be loved by someone. We explored videos about this from CAFOD then listened to scripture from John’s Gospel (John 15:12-17) …

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World Book Day Information

Thursday 2nd March is World Book Day. In school, we are continuing to encourage the importance of vocabulary, so like last year, we are asking the children to come to school dressed as a word. For example, they could come dressed in bright clothing to represent the word ‘vibrant’ or they could come with painted spots to represent the word …

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Friends of St Cuthbert’s Newsletter 1

Please see our first newsletter from our newly established Friends group. Don’t forget to get in touch if you’d like to be of help!

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Step Up To The Plate

Step Up To The Plate Our brilliant Year 5 children learned all about global food poverty as part of some work about natural resources in geography. Using the CAFOD campaign for inspiration as well as Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti message, we thought about how imbalanced our food systems are where so much is wasted but 1 in 10 people go …

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Year 2 – Caring for the hungry

As we came to the end of our Special Books RE topic, we reflected on all we had heard and learnt,  As a whole class, we planned  a class liturgical prayer using the scripture from Mark’s Gospel; Jesus feeds 5000 which was one of the scriptures we had listened to and retold in our topic. In the story, Jesus showed …

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Our Junior Road Safety Officers Campaign

SHOW YOU CARE, PARK ELSEWHERE! Harriet and Robbie, who are in Y6, have been working tirelessly to think of ways to help with the ongoing traffic issues we have at the end of the school day. They identified that cars are parking too close to the gates making it difficult for them to turn around without coming into the school …

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Sharing Bible Stories

Year 6 retold their favourite Old Testament Bible stories in RE and then, during buddy time, read their stories to their buddies.

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Stars Of The Week

A huge well done to our children who received certificates today. There were awards for great RE work, thoughtful writing and showing excellent Catholic values to name but a few. Congratulation to our Readers Of The Week too. They received a certificate and a prize from Mrs. Wilkinson. We also totalled up all of the house group points we had …

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Children’s Mental Health Week – Parent Drop In

We are holding a drop in for parents to attend on Wednesday 8th February to help us to raise awareness during Children’s Mental Health Week. We would like as many parents as possible to attend.

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Mrs Eadsforth

Staff will be attending the funeral of Mrs Eadsforth tomorrow.  We ask that you keep her and her family – her husband, children and grandchildren – in your thoughts and prayers.

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Will’s Achievements

As well as celebrating achievements at school, we love to hear about achievements at home too. Will was excited to bring in his Beavers jumper, to show us all the awards he has achieved since joining . He has recently been awarded his bronze award. WOW! Well done Will. We are all super proud of you.

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Our Church Visit

As part of our RE topic on celebrations we went to church to look for objects associated with celebrations in church. We then compared objects we might find at home compared to those we find just in a church.

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